Avoiding COPD Attacks


Common everyday activities for the patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD) is not easy. Eating and dressing and breathing problems can drain you of energy and can also be stressful.

For those people who have smoked multiple packs of cigarettes each day for years thewheezing, shortness of breath, allergic reaction to perfumes and aerosol sprays are probably daily occurences already. The doctor's confirmation probably isn't any surprise.

Even the most mondain daily activities become horrible when you can't breath and have to rest. It all just becomes too much. And by the time COPD has been diagnosed some patients are dealing with only have their lung capacity.

But there are things that people with COPD can do to make their days more productive and enjoyable.

The very first thing is to quit smoking. After smoking for so long quitting won't be easybut breathing will improve alittle but if they continue to smoke the patient will double the amount of lung loss.

Not being around toxic industrial chemicals, cigarette smoke and perfumes will help to not irritate their breathing. Things such as mold, dust, fumes, smoggy days, and second hand smoke. Cover the mouth on cold days because cold air can trigger problemsbreathing.

Exercise is a very good way to strengthen chest muscles and improve breathing. Justwalking for 30 minutes three times a week will help. And they aren't running a race it is for endurance and building lung capacity.

Half of COPD patients are over weight. Eating large meals may push upon the diaphram. Eating several small meals throughout the day instead of three large ones. Be sure to drink plenty of water and avoid gassy foods such as cabbage, soda and brussel sprouts. Being ten pounds over their ideal body weight is best.

Avoiding catching colds and be sure to take flu and pneumonia vaccinations because COPD patients are at greater risk for contracting these diseases.

Getting their rest is important too. Sleeping during the day isn't good, the better quality of sleep is at night. Avoid caffiene after 5p.m. and eat a small protein snack before bed.

Engage in heavy exercise early in the day and rest after ward. If you exercise in the morning a short nap afterward is okay. Standing requires more energy so sit when drying your hair or applying mae up. Conserve your energy. Digesting food takes energy so rest after eating.

Taking up yoga or meditation is smart because it teachs you to control your breathing. Use imagery to help to relax and practice breathing techniques that are approved by your doctor. Become a member of a COPD support group so they have some one to talk to or place to go when under stress.

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