What is the Formula for Genuine Happiness?

It will probably take a lot of experience to master the art of forgiving, letting go and moving on. I had my fair share of experiences before I got to where I am now.

Not everything is perfect; not everything is successful. In this journey we call life, we’ll never be fully happy if always try to win. The first time I experienced a severe kind of pain from failure, I had no idea what to do. I was not ready to let go of the things I was passionate about. But the moment I passed through the dark tunnel of sorrow, everything suddenly became superb and more genuine. Appreciating what life can give you is one of the first steps to happiness. In order to have a full realization of acceptance, you need to learn the value of gratitude first.

Let me share with you a brilliant formula which I have learned from years of experience. If you add all these up, you may experience genuine happiness. Read more

6 Things Science Claims to Make You Happier

You may have read a large number of articles in magazines, newspapers, books and internet with tips for living a healthy and fulfilling life. Things like meditation, taking a day off or being an understanding husband are different ways that helps people to make themselves happy. However, there are random activities that you would have never expected that can actually make you feel better about yourself and your life in general. They are as follows: Read more

The Happiness Project

For the longest time, I have never found the perfect set of joyful activities that goes well with my personality. I am an impulsive extrovert who loves doing things without a particular plan. On the onset, I am very fond of adventures and I fancy the simplest of things like taking pictures of random events, people and places. Read more

10,000 Secrets and Facts to Happiness

Most of the articles I see online are usually about “15 things you need to accomplish before you’re 25” or “30 tips on how to live life”. Honestly speaking, it gets me every time I see these posts; first, because I feel like I need to be lectured down on a number of things about my life. Second, I’ve got a number of insecurities about myself that I should work on to prevent future damage on my career path and what not. I have this sense of harmony with my soul, but being the worrier that I am; I can’t help but think of who I’ll be years from now. Read more

If Happiness be the Question, What’s the Answer?

Happiness is a concept often used, misused, interpreted and misinterpreted. In the depths of our emotions, we juxtapose our happiness as a mere feeling and sometimes a derogatory term, which is equated simply with joy pertaining to material things that we want in our life. I would like to believe that happiness is a state wherein I am at peace with my own being. Whether external negative factors come into the picture, I have this fixed state that is not capable of being agitated. Dilemmas are inevitable, but the state should overshadow everything. Read more