6 Tips for Staying Healthy & Happy This Winter


Winter is a lovely season but can throw us through a loop in terms of mental and physical health. Dreary days can be downright depressing, the cold tempts us to stay indoors and illness runs rampant. If you wish to truly enjoy this beautiful season, keep these tips in mind! Read more

How to Prepare Your Body for Winter


The coldest time of the year is slowly knocking on our door. The days are getting shorter and the temperatures are getting lower. This means that now is the best time to prepare and strengthen the body for the upcoming winter with some advice from experts. Read more

Vitamin C for Colds


“Drink your orange juice!”

“Take vitamin C as soon as you feel a cold coming on.”

These are just a few of the things people tell you to do when you start to sniffle and sneeze. But does vitamin C for colds really work? Read more