Discovering Myself Through Seasons


Life has a weird way of taking us through seasons of ups and downs. Some days we wake up to a beautiful sunrise and believe we are truly happy. Other days we fall asleep angry with the world or just ourselves. We may believe that our lives have very little purpose and by this time we should be doing something greater. Read more

Time For Change Never Stop Working!


Have you ever been ready to give up on something, because it is no longer enjoyable? Working for a salary, which doesn’t cover the bills, an edgy relationship of non-stop fighting or arguing, or having children that zap almost every bit of energy out of you. Despite all those things, I believe you should not stop working at it, just change what you are doing. Read more

Being Child-Free and a Cat Mom


I do not want to physically birth children and have chosen to be child-free. This seems to be a harsh and almost impossible concept for many people to understand or respect. There is always the “Oh, you will change your mind. You still have time” and the “Who will take care of you someday?” Let’s not forget “But you would make such cute babies!” Read more