Quit One Thing and Start Another


First off, I’m not a smoker. I haven’t abstained from the activity entirely. Knowing smokers, I’ve had a few just to join them as we hung out. Not many tried to quit, but one kept trying and failing. Read more

How Did I Manage… ?


Well, I’ve seen that some people wrote a personal story, and I will write my own here.  Or, I should say, I will be writing some – as I have had a few experiences with different forms of smoking, mostly from second-hand or family-related issues. Read more

I had to quit smoking


In January of 2011, I had developed a heart condition known as atrial fibrillation.  As I prepared to go in for my first internal x-rays, I was so scared the results would reveal my 28 + years of smoking by way of charred lungs and blackened ventricles.  I decided on that day to quit smoking cold turkey.  Read more

All Because of Them


The day before I turned 26, I posted this Facebook status, “After tomorrow, I will be 4 years from 30 with hardly anything to show for it.” Read more

Discovering Myself Through Seasons


Life has a weird way of taking us through seasons of ups and downs. Some days we wake up to a beautiful sunrise and believe we are truly happy. Other days we fall asleep angry with the world or just ourselves. We may believe that our lives have very little purpose and by this time we should be doing something greater. Read more

Little things make a difference


It was a normal day at work and I was trying to grab a bite at the crowded canteen. At about the same time I reached the counter, another worker too came nearby with his plate. Since I was furiously text-messaging, I didn’t notice that the canteen staffer ignoring him started serving me first. Read more