Men and Women: Insuperable Gender Differences

Different gender means different behavior. It sounds that simple but after you scratch the surface, it gets so complex and many questions arise due to the relationship issues. Answers to these questions can be hard to find. Read more

10 Items Every Woman’s Wardrobe Should Have

The most common problem women have is getting ready, and somehow they are never on time. If you want to know why, the answer is always the same: they have nothing to wear for that particular occasion. It does not matter if they have a walk-in closet or a regular small wardrobe, whether they went shopping last week or last season, they will always complain about not having enough. But the secret is that you do not need a lot of clothes, just several crucial items that can be combined for every occasion. Read more

How To Survive The Menopause

The menopause is something us women have to bear; it’s a sort of female rite of passage. Some of us find the “change of life” problematic and havoc-making as our hormones go into free-fall, whilst others just breeze through it without a care. So, what can we expect from the menopause and how can we cope when it arrives? Read more