This Wristwatch Comes with a Nicotine Injection System

It’s 5:05 pm and you begin to feel a slight tightening of your chest. You are inside a crowded chrome elevator with about 15 other people. Everybody’s tired and just want to go home. “Ding!” the elevator bell makes a sound and you’re now on the 30th floor. You stare at the glowing numbers of the elevator panel and every number below 30 seems to have a yellowish glow on them. You sigh and you feel your chest pound again. The elevator hums and moves down after the red headed woman in front of you gets off. You look at your wrist watch and it’s 5:06. Thoughts about the difference between comfort and discomfort make a bead of sweat fall from your brow. In your mind, you’re thinking of the pleasure of getting a drag. Read more