What is the Formula for Genuine Happiness?

It will probably take a lot of experience to master the art of forgiving, letting go and moving on. I had my fair share of experiences before I got to where I am now.

Not everything is perfect; not everything is successful. In this journey we call life, we’ll never be fully happy if always try to win. The first time I experienced a severe kind of pain from failure, I had no idea what to do. I was not ready to let go of the things I was passionate about. But the moment I passed through the dark tunnel of sorrow, everything suddenly became superb and more genuine. Appreciating what life can give you is one of the first steps to happiness. In order to have a full realization of acceptance, you need to learn the value of gratitude first.

Let me share with you a brilliant formula which I have learned from years of experience. If you add all these up, you may experience genuine happiness. Read more

The Happiness Project

For the longest time, I have never found the perfect set of joyful activities that goes well with my personality. I am an impulsive extrovert who loves doing things without a particular plan. On the onset, I am very fond of adventures and I fancy the simplest of things like taking pictures of random events, people and places. Read more