5 Ways to Use Tinder Without Losing Your Mind or Dating a Serial Killer

“Don’t judge a book by its cover” they say.  When have you NOT been told that when meeting (new) people? However, when using online dating site Tinder, that phrase no longer applies… at least not much. Read more

Online Dating: Avoid These 6 Common Scams

Spring is in the air and many people’s thoughts are turning to romance. Internet dating is fast becoming the most popular way of meeting Mr. or Ms. Right, and whilst the vast majority of websites are careful to eliminate scammers, some fraudsters do make it past the checks. It’s really important to be aware of how potential scammers operate and the tactics they might employ so that you stay safe online. Read more

Internet Dating: Staying Safe

Internet dating is now the most popular way among singles of all ages of searching for Mr. or Mrs, Right. Unfortunately, not everyone out there is genuine in their intentions and there have been an alarming number of incidents recently where women have been the victims of sexual assault and even rape by men they have met through online dating sites. Read more

Internet Dating: Tips to Protect Yourself & Thrive

Internet dating can be a great way of meeting people but it can also be fraught with danger and, like almost everything else on the internet, scammers abound. In fact, hundreds of thousands of vulnerable singletons fall victim to scammers every year. Don’t get caught up. Watch out for the following red flags and if you are in any doubt about the validity of a person’s identity, run for the hills and don’t look back! Read more