Are you looking at getting rid of debt, saving for a vacation, retirement, or just wanting an extra cushion fund? Saving money can sometimes be challenging with so many different expenses but it is not impossible. Here are 5 ways to save more money that will help you reach your financial goals. Read more
8 Ways to Breathe Happy by Spending Less at the Grocery Store
Have you noticed how the prices at the grocery store get higher between visits? How each shopping trip you buy less but spend more money? Prices continue to rise, making it impossible to feed your family. No matter if you take advantage of coupons, cheaper brands, and sales, you’re still spending more for food. Other household items also continue to rise in price. Read more
How To Use “Reduced Sale” Grocery Items
Trying to live healthy and on a budget can sometimes be tough, especially when it seems that the cost of living keeps rising. So when I see reduced healthy items at the grocery store or farmer’s market, I quickly try to think of things I can do with the awesome food find. Since food waste is a big no-no in my book, you should always have a game plan when buying extra food goodies. So here are a few examples of ways to use and store some specific “reduced sale” items to make sure that nothing goes to waste when purchasing healthy items on the cheap: Read more