Triggering a Life Change


Maybe you've been smoking for 20, 30 years. You wake up one day and think to yourself that surely life is better than this. You no longer want to be held captive by this addiction–You need to make a change.

The psychology of smoking is easy. Life has many stressful moments in it. Traffic, family, work, relationships and personal stressers such as weight, personality, and self-esteem. Some of us are able to learn how to cope and others need something to help get themselves through these times. These times are called triggers. And holding that cigarette, sucking on it, and breathing in that nicotine helps relieve that insecurity or stress. So the psychology of smoking is finding the triggers, learning how to over coming them and to put the nicotine addiction away forever.

NEWS FLASH!! You have the power within yourself to stop this chain of events. Make the decision to quit and either do it cold turkey and/or use one of these options to help in your triggering a life change:

Cold Turkey-This is common but studies show that in 97% of cases people fail and go back to cigarettes within six months.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy-NRT(gum, lozenges, patches, etc.)If you choose to stop smoking cold turkey one of these products coupled with that assurance that you can quit and an awareness of your triggers and how to overcome them can lead you to being smoke free.

Prescription MedicationsChantix was released onto the market in 2006. It helps the brain to produce a hormone named dopamine which helps to relieve the craving to smoke. It seems to make smoking less pleasureable. Has side effects of appetite changes, nausea, headaches and insomnia. Be sure your doctor knows of any mental illness in your history as the medication can cause suicidal thoughts. Zyban is a medication that is marketed with two brandnames Wellibutrin for depression and Zyban for cigarette cessation. It is available in generic form, Bupropion. Reports on say that Chantix is more affective. Side effects include headaches, insomnia, dry mouth, irritability, anxiety, and in rare cases seizures.

E-cigarettes-These are designed to be like smoking and advertised to let the smoker still smoke without the smoke. Reports show that they have other chemicals in them that are not healthy. So you are getting the nicotine with no tobacco and different chemicals to take into consideration. They have not been approved by the FDA.

Inhalers-several products available. There are many good reports from users in their experience with these. In one review a smoker used an inhaler for several weeks, then just used one last nicotine cartridge until it ran out, threw it away and was done with smoking.

Support Groups-Check with your local community hospital or ask your medical doctor. Call Quit now line(1-800-QUITNOW) or go to

Herbal Therapy– Chewing on Licorice, or taking Oat Straw or Lobelia can be a stimulant substitue and a nicotine replacement. If lack of sleep or stress is the reason for the cigarettes Valeria or St. John's Wort can help to calm you down and help you sleep.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy(CBT)-Helps a smoker to look at the action and overall result of smoking in a different light. Perhaps seeing the long term consequences of smoking.

Aversion Therapy-Is a type of conditioning where the therapist couples the act of smoking with something such as an electrical shock, horrible smell or a medication that induces nausea. In the past this type of therapy has gotten negative press but recently it is being shown as an affective way to stop the addictive habit of smoking.

Acupuncture, Laser, Hypnosis-to help produce endorphins which decrease the cravings. There is no evidence that these are of any real help.

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