Getting Off the Hook: 10 Tips to Help You Quit


As we all know, so many smokers are addicted to the habit, which is why it is so hard for them to quit. It is worth remembering however, that when you stop smoking, the physically addictive part only lasts for a couple of days after your last cigarette. Anything after that is a psychological craving. These types of cravings are still hard to beat, but the list below gives some strategies for coping with and diminishing the dependency.

1) What are your high-risk states? Make a list of them. Are you hungry, angry, lonely or tired when you crave a cigarette, making you more vulnerable?

2) Avoid going to the places and seeing the people who might tempt you to slide back. For example, seeing friends who are smokers, going to parties, etc. These types of interactions are best steered clear of until you have successfully quit and no longer feel strong cravings.

3) Avoid high-risk situations. Being aware of them will help you prevent a tiny craving turn into a major urge.

4) Try calming meditation to learn to relax. People use addictive substances to escape, relax and reward themselves – to relieve tension. Relaxation techniques can help you cope and recover.

5) Look after yourself better. For example, eat well during the day so that hunger later on doesn’t put you at risk.

6) Join a twelve-step group to avoid feeling isolated and learn the skills that will help you cope better.

7) Learn relaxation techniques so that you can let go of anger and resentment.

8) Develop good sleep habits so that you’re less tired and vulnerable.

9) Keep motivated by staying abreast of current findings and taking an interest in your general health.

10) Be totally honest, with friends and family, your supporters, your doctor, and most importantly, with yourself.

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Picture courtesy of Flickr creative commons. 

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