Simple Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Recent research has presented compelling evidence that it is possible to ward off many common neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s. In fact, by making a few simple lifestyle changes you could reduce your chances of getting Alzheimer’s by a massive 70% to 80%. Read more

Loving Yourself: Get Started

We are looking for approval in everything we do, and all too often, we’re seeking it from other people. It can be our mother, father, husband, friends, and even co-workers. But we do this without even wondering– why do we need others approval in the first place? Read more

Relaxation and Sleep: Why You’re Not Very Good At It

Many of us just don’t get the connection between relaxation and sleep. We usually wait until we’re sleepy, then lie down in bed. If you find yourself waiting helplessly for sleepiness to descend upon you, you may benefit from creating a relaxation ritual before bedtime. Read more

Herbs Can Keep You Heathy

The US Centers for Disease Control and Infection states that around 1 in 3 of the adult population has a problem with high blood pressure. This is often linked with high cholesterol and other health problems. While many patients turn to doctors for prescribed medications blood pressure can be lowered through making a few lifestyle changes. Using more herbs in our diet is one way to do this and a method that can make meal times more interesting as well. Read more

In the Eyes of a Smoker

There are many of us that want to quit smoking. To wake up one morning and not crave that bitter-sweet taste of darkness. But I’ve come to notice that that everyone who smokes has a problem. An emotional problem they’ve buried somewhere deep inside. Read more

5 Natural Ways to Better Sleep

You don’t have to be an insomniac to benefit from learning new ways to sleep better. Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the most important ways of staying healthy. Even your immune system’s strength depends on consistent, good sleep. Whether or not you get the flu this season could have a lot to do with how you’re sleeping. Some long-term and serious consequences of chronically poor sleep include heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Read more

10 Ways to Foil Food Cravings

If we are trying to restrict our calorie intake, one of the major challenges we will have is in fighting those unhealthy food cravings when they come, as they inevitably will! It’s perfectly normal to have these desires, but it’s important to know how to deal with them, as they can easily sabotage any diet and fitness plan. Here are some tips for foiling these unwelcome impulses: Read more

Hairapy: Get the Looks You Really Want

For all you girls out there, you know how stressful finding the “perfect” look can be, right? Whether you choose curly, straight, or the popular messy ‘fun bun’ look, its hard to perfect. Being a Hairstylist, I even have the problem of being too lazy to style even my own hair every morning. After doing everyone else’s hair all day, mine is the last thing I want to think about. Read more

The Adventure Traveler

Repeat after me: The adventure traveler breathes happily, the adventure traveler breathes happily. So goes the fable that is just about to begin. The story starts with a haggard twenty-something stressed out junior executive from an urban center far, far away. The snow forces her to pour yet another cup of coffee as she looks out from her cubicle. Everywhere she looks, she only sees gray. Piles of paper stacked to the ceiling tower beyond the horizon. Co-workers and fellow slaves of the corporate jungle mind their own deadlines and memos. The balding supervisor barks out yet another task to be fulfilled: PRONTO! Read more

Kicking the Caffeine Habit

That morning cup of coffee…that afternoon tea break. It’s such a daily part of life, we can’t imagine our day without it. Who among us is so pure they don’t allow even a drop of caffeine to cross their lips? Read more