Inpatient Addiction Treatment: A Journey

111 days ago I said the most important words an addict can say; “I need help”. What followed was the most rewarding 93 days of my life. I began giving birth to the person I was meant to be and like any birth, the experience was beautiful and painful. Read more

Addiction: Understanding a Complex Disease

Addiction is a chronic, progressive, incurable, and often fatal disease. While addiction can manifest itself in any human being with a functional brain, certain factors can increase a person’s likelihood of becoming an addict. Addiction is insidious, as it distorts the reasoning abilities of the addict. Read more

In the Eyes of a Smoker

There are many of us that want to quit smoking. To wake up one morning and not crave that bitter-sweet taste of darkness. But I’ve come to notice that that everyone who smokes has a problem. An emotional problem they’ve buried somewhere deep inside. Read more

The Addicted Mind; Brain-Forest

Addiction to nicotine and other substances is as much a disease as cancer or diabetes. Addiction processes have recently been mapped using MRI scans and chemical tracing technology at several major research institutions across the U.S. Read more

Stoptober Half Term Report – Fail!

I posted a few weeks ago that I’d be having a go at Stoptober this year so thought I’d give an update at the half way point. I’ve just received an email through from Stoptober staying well done and that 15 days without a cigarette is quite an achievement. Read more

Will Blogging Help Me Quit?

I’ve been smoking for a long time now. There have been time when I’ve smoked happily without a thought of giving up, times when I’ve vaguely considered giving up, and times when I’ve really, really wanted to quit. Read more

A New Thinking Process to Get Started

I’ve decided to try something different. I always thought of quitting as such a difficult and negative process. Well, who would want to do that when you’re constantly thinking of it in such a hateful way? So I’ve decided to think of it in a positive manner. I mean, after all, it’s a good thing I’m quitting right? Read more