111 days ago I said the most important words an addict can say; “I need help”. What followed was the most rewarding 93 days of my life. I began giving birth to the person I was meant to be and like any birth, the experience was beautiful and painful. Read more
Addiction: Understanding a Complex Disease
Addiction is a chronic, progressive, incurable, and often fatal disease. While addiction can manifest itself in any human being with a functional brain, certain factors can increase a person’s likelihood of becoming an addict. Addiction is insidious, as it distorts the reasoning abilities of the addict. Read more
In the Eyes of a Smoker
The Addicted Mind; Brain-Forest
Stoptober Half Term Report – Fail!
Vent Alert! This Mom is About to Inject Nicotine!
Will Blogging Help Me Quit?
A New Thinking Process to Get Started
I’ve decided to try something different. I always thought of quitting as such a difficult and negative process. Well, who would want to do that when you’re constantly thinking of it in such a hateful way? So I’ve decided to think of it in a positive manner. I mean, after all, it’s a good thing I’m quitting right? Read more