How Hard is it to Recycle? A How to for Newbies

So, you’ve thought about recycling for some time but you are afraid it will be too difficult, so you put it off. Now is the time to stop putting it off and begin your recycling program at home. How can you start? Easy, simply pay attention to what you buy and know what can and cannot be recycled. How can you do this? Read on. Read more

Get Rid Of Clutter and Let Go

First rule of Feng Shui is to get your home clean and clutter-free. Even if you do not believe in the ancient Eastern philosophical system for putting order in your life and acquire all your desires, this one rule is psychologically approved too. Piles of clutter around the house, old items, which you don’t throw away, and all those times you got late for work just because you couldn’t find your favourite lipstick, or tie. Read more