8 Ways to Recharge Yourself This Weekend


As Friday arrives, rest and relaxation are top of your mind. However, most of the time weekend leaves you with a tired Monday then you were on Friday. Therefore, instead of escaping from the workday activity, try to free yourself from stress and responsibility. Partying full weekend may seem good at the moment, but remember you have returned to the work-pressures on Monday.

To help you return back to work on Monday with full energy I offer you eight ways to help your mind and soul rebuild:

  1. Visualize your desired future: Most of the time people spend their weekends focussing on others. This weekend, try to focus on yourself, your needs and desires. Especially about your future if you are uncertain about it which can be quite scary. So take a walk or sit and visualize about how your preferred future might look like. This will help in self clarification which will free your mind from all kinds of uncertainties.
  2. Clean something: Due to lack of personal time you are unable to clean and organize your house. The weekend is a good time to clean the huge pile of papers, mail or laundry. It may seem like work, but organizing your files may help you reset your mind on Monday. You may find something that you had been looking for or may find some pending work. So cleaning and organizing will make you feel relieved and accomplished.
  3. Be Romantic: After working like a machine from Monday to Friday, spent some time with your partner. Go to a candlelight dinner and show your partner love and warmth so that a healthy relationship is built. Remember relationships can be a big casualty of work pressure. Moreover, starting a week is easier when you feel the love and support at home.
  4. Disconnect From technology: Switch off your mobile laptop and Wi-Fi and do something that you’ve been delaying because of work. You can cook in the kitchen, grow your own garden in the backyard or simply sit down with a cup of tea or coffee and read a book. You can also spend some alone time outside where you can reconnect with nature, watch clouds, flying birds feel the sun on your face, pick beautiful flowers and take them home.
  5. Go out with your Friends: Reconnect with your old friends at a new restaurant that just opened where you can chat and have a good laughter. Implement a rule, no work-talk. As it is you are on your no work-weekend. More importantly hang out with happy friends. Happiness is contagious, so catch positive vibes from a friend with a sunny disposition.
  6. Sing, Paint Dance: You have done enough work this week, which was mundane and boring. You definitely deserve a day for you. So explore the creative side of you by reactivating your creative mind. Make a video, paint your room wall with beautiful flowers or explore a museum. Just do something that involves the right side of your brain. So add colour in your life and brighten up your week.
  7. Simply Sit: The brain really gets whipped throughout the week. Therefore, your mind sometimes needs idle time. So you can simply sit and watch TV or listen to favourite songs. You can binge-watch and fill your mind with the story line of the movie, you are watching. This works for me and in this way I forget about all my work problems.
  8.  Reconnect with your Family: Relaxing on the weekends means bonding with your family, especially kids. Planned weekend with your family can be a great emotional boost. You can plan a family outing or you can sit at home and play video games or hang around in the backyard or playing guitar and singing songs with your kids. Plan a little so that everyone has pleasurable experiences.

So go ahead with these simple weekend tips and have a relaxed and enjoyable weekend.

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