Stay Fit and Breathe Deeply


Did you ever hear of a time when a strong person had to gasp for breath? We always associate possession of great muscles with the excellent performance of the various body systems. That fact underscores the importance of a scheduled workout. Regular exercise acts in four ways to improve performance of the respiratory system.

When you manage to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, you work to strengthen your heart.  Your stronger heart stays closely linked to your respiratory system.  Once it becomes stronger, it then displays the ability to pump blood more efficiently. As your blood travels through your body at a more efficient rate, it does a better job of picking up oxygen from the lungs’ air sacs.  Consequently, your arteries operate more efficiently, as those same arteries carry the oxygenated cells to the many different parts of your body.

During a weightlifting competition, the contestants strive to lift the heaviest object, and to keep that same object in a raised position for the longest possible time. In other words, each contestant hopes to display possession of stamina as well as strength. If you make a habit of exercising according to an established schedule, you can improve more than your circulation. You will also approach the point where you can display a great deal of stamina.

Typically, a weightlifter takes a big breath before attempting to lift a heavy object, such as a barbell. That act represents an effort to allow more air into the lungs. Because weightlifters work out on a daily basis, their lungs have developed to the point where each of them can hold a large amount of inhaled air. You too will breathe more efficiently, if you find a way to incorporate some type of fitness routine into your everyday life.

There is one other way that exercising enhances performance of the respiratory system. It decreases chances for the formation of clot-forming substances in the veins and arteries. When those vessels do not accumulate lots of clot-forming substances, you have less reason to worry about development of pulmonary embolisms. Those are clots that can form in a lung, thus making it difficult for the victim of the embolism to take a deep breath.

One phrase that has been associated with fitness routines is this: No pain means no gain. Often, we think that gaining refers to the changes in the muscles. Yet there are other ways that you can gain from adding exercise to your day. You can gain by enhancing the functions performed by your respiratory system.

You can make it easier for your heart to get the oxygen that it needs. You can improve the ability of your arteries to move oxygenated blood around your body. You can increase your stamina and decrease the chance that you might develop a clot inside of your lung tissue.







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