Breathing Happy Author

Acupuncture And Smoking Cessation – All In The Mind?

The idea of acupuncture as a method of quitting smoking both fascinates and horrifies me. I’m relatively terrified of needles yet the idea of curing my habit courtesy of some kind of mystical Chinese medicine quite appeals. There’s quite a debate around Read more

E-cigarettes More Effective Than Nicotine Patches!

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A recent survey has suggested that e-cigarettes are just as effective as traditional nicotine patches in helping smokers to kick the habit. The research examined the number of people who gave up smoking for more than six months without lapsing. The survey revealed that this was achieved by a slightly greater number of people using e-cigarettes than those who opted for nicotine patches or a dummy e-cigarette which contained no nicotine. Read more

You’re in Control Now

Now that you have quit smoking you must feel that you have taken your life back. That you are now in control. Here are some things to consider, think about and remember: Read more


In the past, as a smoker, you have often solved everything with a cigarette. Happy, mad, or sad. But now you know the toll this choice has madeon your body and your life. You’ve made a sound decision to stop but it is not going to be easy. Better to know what is ahead and how to handle it.

Stress: This is mental, physical and emotional strain we feel caused by anxiety or over-work. Read more

Youth Unemployment and Tobacco Use

(A Trilogy)

A few weeks ago, I was alarmed at discovering the truth about the ten million jobless youth in the U.S. (a number greater than the population of New York city). Regardless of nationality, ethnicity or religion, being jobless is bound to have grave consequences for every youth’s well-being, and/or the life of that person’s family. Read more

Will Blogging Help Me Quit?

I’ve been smoking for a long time now. There have been time when I’ve smoked happily without a thought of giving up, times when I’ve vaguely considered giving up, and times when I’ve really, really wanted to quit. Read more

A New Thinking Process to Get Started

I’ve decided to try something different. I always thought of quitting as such a difficult and negative process. Well, who would want to do that when you’re constantly thinking of it in such a hateful way? So I’ve decided to think of it in a positive manner. I mean, after all, it’s a good thing I’m quitting right? Read more