Breathing Happy Member

13 Virtues in a Regular Cycle of Self-Improvement

One of my all time favorite American heroes is Benjamin Franklin. Although not a perfect person by any means, with his historic profile showing a rather hefty man for his time, which we now call obese, Franklin was a known problem solver and a visionary beyond his time as well as a dedicated patriot. Read more

7 Myths About Your Monthly Cycle

Monthly cycle

Not only young girls are curious about their cycles. Myths about such things as not being unable to perm your hair, feeling fat, craving chocolate, not being able to swim, not being able to participate in gym class and not feeling like being intimate that have been going around female circles for years. Let’s learn the truth about some of  these myths. Read more

Picking the Right Exercise for 2020

It’s a well known fact that everyone should exercise. This universal truth is even more important in this day and age when most of us lead sedentary lifestyles. A lot of jobs involve sitting or standing for 8 hours, and most of us don’t even walk to our workplace as we drive or use public transport. Read more

4 Reasons to make 2020’s New Year’s Resolution the Switch to E-cigarettes

Another year is ending and the night of the great decisions is slowly approaching. The 31st of December has always been, and will always be the best time to start making plans for the better and brighter future. Without exception, every January, those who smoke are determined to give up on this filthy habit. However, as most of them have failed to go through with this decision countless times, why not take into consideration a slightly different approach? Read more

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