Most Discussed
Conquering My Fears of Rejection
My heart was beating in my stomach as I sat on the couch at the bike shop. I looked over …
Running with Your Dog: 4 Things to Consider
Running with your dog is a brilliant way of exercising for both of you, but there are a few things …
Using Nicotine-Containing Products to Quit Smoking
For heavy, long-term smokers, simply stopping smoking through will-power alone is often too much to ask. People might quit for …
The Time When the Whole World Couldn’t Breathe Happily: It’s Now
I didn’t think it would happen in my lifetime. I thought that it was something that’s far away in the …
Learning that “I Can:” Surviving Divorce, Thriving in Life
“I’m divorced.” This was not something that I never expected myself to say to another person, frankly very much the …
Manual Labor and Keeping Fit
There is an inherent freedom in working on the land. The sweet scents and aroma of cut grass and herbs …
Good Health and Vegetarianism
Vegetarianism is becoming more and more popular and for a number of reasons. For many consumers the amount of hormones …
10 Healthy Comfort Foods To Boost Your Mood!
Trying to quit can be pretty depressing and it’s tempting to reach for comfort food to try to lift your …
Orphaned Before 50!
You may think the title strange but I want to get your attention. I’m not one to preach about smoking, …
The Truth About Diets
Soon after World War II there was a new diet fad coming out every few months or so. Each one …