After ten years of working in a busy office, I am now working from home as a freelance writer. I loved office life. I liked the random visits with co-workers who wandered by my desk and stayed to chat for a while. Read more
In the Eyes of a Smoker
Being Child-Free and a Cat Mom
I do not want to physically birth children and have chosen to be child-free. This seems to be a harsh and almost impossible concept for many people to understand or respect. There is always the “Oh, you will change your mind. You still have time” and the “Who will take care of you someday?” Let’s not forget “But you would make such cute babies!” Read more
Losing to Ourselves: The Truth About the Path We Call Life
Sometimes, on our path to destiny, our soul loses its foundation; it dwells in the darkness of its own hate and deceit. You lose sight of everything around you, what you want, what you need, who you are, and where you want to be. You’re blinded by the devil himself and you can’t see the light, no matter which way you look. Read more
Orphaned Before 50!
Stoptober Half Term Report – Fail!
Vent Alert! This Mom is About to Inject Nicotine!
Will Blogging Help Me Quit?
A New Thinking Process to Get Started
I’ve decided to try something different. I always thought of quitting as such a difficult and negative process. Well, who would want to do that when you’re constantly thinking of it in such a hateful way? So I’ve decided to think of it in a positive manner. I mean, after all, it’s a good thing I’m quitting right? Read more