Somes studies show that cigarette smoking causes changes in how the DNA is processed. The good news it does! Check out the statistics: within minutes and hours of quitting smoking, a persons; vital signs return to normal and toxic nicotine levels decrease from 93% to 6.5%! They also say that anxiety levels hit their peak within one day of quitting and damaged nerve cells begin repairing themselves just two days after someone stops smoking! It takes a mere 72 hours for all the nicotine to pass out of a person’s system and if they can endure the withdrawl symtoms (which are a bi-product of the respiratory system functioning a normal relaxed state), the average ex-smoker’s cravings will decrease exponentially from three episodes a day the first week to almost none by the end of the first month. Recovery includes dealing with anger, anxiety, impatience, restlessness and even insomnia. New coping skills need to be learned. The ex-smoker can successfully overcome the addiction and now anti-social behavior with support and determination. One year of being smoke free decreases risk of heart attack, too. Eventually, the risk of stroke and lung cancer declines along with the potential of tooth loss. However, damage to the gums and teeth are also dependent on hygene and advanced decay caused by smoking may not be repairable. Keeping all of this in mind, it seems that smokers have every reason to quit or at least try to cut down immediately! Encouraging them to pursue a tobacco free life is a more productive tactic than to burden them with the additional guilt and blame that they might have ruined their blood line. Research on this is new enough that life-span studies haven’t been around long enough to be conclusive. It is far more productive to take the bull by the horn and promote healthy habits and let the healing begin!
Quit Smoking and Improve Your Health Now

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