People We Love Who Smoke

Enjoy Life and Breathe Happy

My daughter just turned 41 and she has smoked since she was about twelve. I can remember sneaking a pack of Salem cigarettes outof my grandfaother’s bedroom. My cousins and I snuck behind the garage and smoked. It was a curiosity. Read more

My Struggle to Cope

Freedom at last - Breathe Happy

I’m Sammi; a spunky 16 year old girl who’s been through a lot but still manages to keep a smile shining on my face. I smoke cigarettes, and, unfortunately, I’m addicted. It’s been only about a year now since I’ve started smoking, but dang, that nagging nicotine sure knows how to keep a hold tight on you. Read more

No More Refined Sugar and Coca Cola!

Hi, I have a story to share with you. For several years, I consumed coca cola and sugary products everyday. Let me underscore that I consumed these products every single day! Literally, I was ingesting tons of refined sugar into my body, which damaged me. I could not control myself. Read more

Orphaned Before 50!

You may think the title strange but I want to get your attention. I’m not one to preach about smoking, I don’t smoke, never have, so I can’t tell you about quitting, but I can tell you about not quitting. Read more