Beat Stress to Stay Healthy


Stress is the physical and emotional response of our body to an external event that threatens to change the equilibrium of our life. The event can be a joyous one or emotionally debilitating but the physiological response to it can be very similar. Hence it is not unknown for brides-to- be to have a case of severe acne just before the wedding or a student to suffer from sleeplessness and indigestion just before the exams. Read more

Acu-Yoga:Two Ancient Techniques Merge to Relieve Back Pain


Among the latest alternative treatments for back pain is acu-yoga. Acu-yoga is a blend of acupressure and yoga that work to restore vital energy. Acupressure is form of acupuncture that uses pressure points instead of needles. The yoga poses target acupressure points which helps to stimulate the blocked energy more. You can do these poses at home. Read more

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Dates


Dates are nutritious traditional fruit which are said to be one of the favourites of Prophet Muhammad. It is said that in old times, Bedouins would rely on dates for sustenance and till date this tradition has been carried on. Many Muslims break their fast with dates and water which avoids overeating. An empty stomach absorbs nutritional value of dates and feelings of hunger is calmed down. Since it is Ramadan I thought to share some amazing benefits of Dates. Read more

Five Tips to Overcome Emotional Eating


Food is a powerful part of our lives. It provides us with the nourishment our body needs, and gives us a reason to socialize with others. However, when we stop seeing food as fuel for our bodies, the food we eat can quickly become an unhealthy outlet for our emotions. Why are so many break up scenes in films, television shows and books depicted with someone indulging in their favorite treat? Because we are convinced that eating tasty foods will make us feel good, even when we know it’s unhealthy. Read more

Sleep Deprivation and Increased Food Purchases!


Being sleep deprived brings about a lot of different harmful effects on our bodies including the inability to make higher functioning decisions, pass proper judgement, and physically function without being stressed. When our bodies do not get enough sleep, our brain cannot store memory, aid decision making nor help the body function to its peak performance level. We become sluggish, foggy, and exhausted when we do not get enough sleep. Read more

Benefits of Small Group Exercising


Physical fitness is undoubtedly one of the most important concerns for many, especially considering the rampant and overt obesity problem in the United States. People of all ages should be working to improve their physical and mental health by staying as active as possible. Exercising in small groups can be very beneficial to anyone for a number of different reasons.  Read more

Energy Drinks Could Short Circuit Your Heart


I used to drink an energy drink on a regular basis prior to going to the gym. It gave me motivation and stamina, so I could get a good workout. One morning I was really tired, so I drank a 24-ounce can of “Rockstar” on my way to work. After a couple of hours, my heart started racing and pounding like it was going to beat out of my chest. I have had “panic attacks” before, so I thought if I could calm down I would be ok. After fifteen minutes of non-stop heart pounding, I went to the emergency room. Read more

How I lost 30 Pounds Without Excercise: There’s an App for That


Two years ago after I turned forty-five, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I knew I had to change my eating habits and drop some weight. I’m 5’7″ tall and weighed 195 Lbs. I have tried fad diets, and they just left me hungry or irritable. Stimulant drinks or diet pills caused my pulse to race well above 140 bpm. I drank a Rockstar energy drink on my way to work one morning and by noon I was in the ER, because my pulse spiked to 210 bpm. They had to perform a cardioversion, which means using medication to stop and restart my heart to a normal rhythm. Read more

10 Ways to Conquer Constipation


Most of us know what it is like to have experienced that unpleasant condition, constipation of the bowels, at some time in our lives. It’s a real pain in the butt!  It seems to be more common nowadays than it used to be, as modern lifestyles are partly to blame. Fast food, takeaways and unhealthy processed foods feature largely in the diets of so many people these days, besides a large caffeine intake, which is dehydrating. Read more