Six Surprising Causes Of Malnutrition

You may be suffering from malnutrition even though you eat all the time. It all boils down to what you are eating and if your body is properly absorbing the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to function properly. You need to pay attention to the foods that are going into your body to ensure you are supplying yourself with exactly what you need. Read more

Ways To Make Fitness Work For You

I am trying to improve my life. I am trying to eat better and exercise more. I have learned over the last few years some tricks to help me along the way. I would like to share those with you. Read more

Climatotherapy and Your Health

Not feeling your best? Maybe a change in location will help you feel better. For the people suffering from psoriasis that is exactly what some doctors are prescribing. Read more

Top 10 Ways to Reduce Stress

These days, we find most people living in stress due to some or the other reason. If you happen to be in a stressful mind state then taking a wrong approach would only add more tension nothing else.

However, there are plenty of ways though which you can relax yourself and overcome stress: Read more

Why Trending Diets Never Work

Every year, from what seems to be a place of nowhere, there is a list of trending diets for the new year. These diets promise the same thing every year, that you are going to lose tons of weight if you stick to their program and feel great about yourself. Read more

The Balancing Act: Balancing Health and Fitness

Although health and fitness may seem like the same thing, they are not. In fact, they are two separate things that need to be worked on individually to maintain a balanced lifestyle. Fitness focuses on your physical well-being; maintaining a certain weight, body mass index, and fat percentage. Health focuses on your mental, spiritual, and internal and external well-being. Read more

Breathe Easier with a Neti Pot

Sinus pain, allergies, and post-nasal drip are problematic for many people. These conditions can create headaches, dizziness, and can even lead to infections. A neti pot can often treat these conditions, because it cleans out the nasal passages and remove excess debris and mucus. Neti pots have been used to treat sinus and allergy problems in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years, and are gaining popularity in the west. Though the procedure may seem complicated at first, once you become familiar with it, using a neti pot becomes easy and routine. Read more

The Importance of Vacationing

In today’s fast paced and frenetic world, sometimes it can be easy to overdo it. Many of us tend to try to work until we drop, either from habit or because we are conditioned to feel that we have to. But when we work ourselves into the ground, we are opening ourselves up to a whole raft of health problems. Read more

6 Ways to Tune Up Your Body

Losing weight and maintaining your shape is a common fear for both men and women alike in this day and age. A lot of people have become health conscious because of the situation around them. They see that not eating healthy could make their body weight spiral out of control. But fear not! Here are a few simple tips to maintain your body weight and to stay healthy. Read more