5 Ways to Reach Your Financial Goals

Are you looking at getting rid of debt, saving for a vacation, retirement, or just wanting an extra cushion fund? Saving money can sometimes be challenging with so many different expenses but it is not impossible. Here are 5 ways to save more money that will help you reach your financial goals. Read more

Workday Stress? Relive it Quickly By Engaging the Parasympathetic Nervous System

It’s common to feel stressed out in the workplace. Even if the benefits of stress reduction techniques are well known, many neglect the opportunity to give themselves a few moments of self-care that can help them through those hours on the job. Plenty of options are out there, including focused physical activity and meditation. These acts may be simple, but they are effective, sometimes in mere minutes. Read more

Power Up Your Brain With These 10 Brain-Boosting Smart Foods

Are you getting enough nutrients to support healthy cognitive function and memory? Our brain requires nutrients just like our heart and lungs. But which foods are particularly important and right to keep us mentally healthy. Food can directly affect everything in our bodies from our mood and energy levels to our memory.  Read more

My 3-day Adventure Toward Eating and Living Healthy

So, I did it.  After watching Hungry for Change, a documentary about the food industry, dieting and what we eat, I made a mental commitment to change the way I eat and more importantly, what I eat.  The documentary had many helpful suggestions on how to initiate a change in eating better with one of them being kick starting your system by “eating” nothing but raw fruits and vegetables for 3 days by “juicing”. I have read both sides of the argument that juicing (or detoxing) works, and that it does not work.  Read more

6 Ways to Fight the Winter Blues

Winter if finally here, and anybody who lives in a climate that produces winter-like settings, knows that the colder temperatures, increased illness, and shorter days can really take a toll on a person. All of this can sometimes lead to feeling tired, worn out, stressed, and sometimes, even depressed. Here are a few ideas to help fight off the winter blues. Read more

How to Clear Your Chakras for Improved Wellbeing

Most people will probably have heard of the term Chakras. It refers to energy centres, like spinning discs, in the human body,  seven in total, running in a straight line from the top of the head to the tail-bone.  Everything in the universe is vibration, and everything flows through a harmonic pattern, including the energies in our bodies. Read more

7 Tips to Improve Your Morning (And Your Day)

With the days approaching their shortest, it’s increasingly likely that you’re getting up an hour or more before the sun rises.  While early mornings can be difficult even during the warmer months, now, with falling temperatures and the absence of stimulating sunlight, waking up can be downright brutal.  Read more