Vitamin C for Colds

“Drink your orange juice!”

“Take vitamin C as soon as you feel a cold coming on.”

These are just a few of the things people tell you to do when you start to sniffle and sneeze. But does vitamin C for colds really work? Read more

How I lost 30 Pounds Without Excercise: There’s an App for That

Two years ago after I turned forty-five, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I knew I had to change my eating habits and drop some weight. I’m 5’7″ tall and weighed 195 Lbs. I have tried fad diets, and they just left me hungry or irritable. Stimulant drinks or diet pills caused my pulse to race well above 140 bpm. I drank a Rockstar energy drink on my way to work one morning and by noon I was in the ER, because my pulse spiked to 210 bpm. They had to perform a cardioversion, which means using medication to stop and restart my heart to a normal rhythm. Read more

COVID-19 Safety Tips to Keep You Healthy – and Sane

how to protect from covid-19

There’s no arguing that we live in a new world – one where a simple trip to the grocery store could result in a life-threatening illness. Or so it seems if you stay on top of the latest headlines. It can be difficult to separate fact from fiction with so many people disagreeing, but a few things are indisputable: first, there is a new virus out there that we don’t fully understand; second, staying home is the best way to avoid exposure; and third, most people cannot stay at home day after day, so understanding how to protect yourself is key. Here are a few tips to help you stay safe and give you peace of mind while we wait for a vaccine (the ultimate goal). Read more

Defying the Odds? Superstar Smokers from Sports

The Winter Olympics in Sochi has begun and will be watched by millions of sports fans worldwide who will marvel at the athletes’ fitness, skill and mental stamina as they strive to win gold for their countries. Each competitor has their own tailor-made training regime complete with specific dietary requirements to ensure their body remains in peak fitness. Olympic athletes obviously don’t smoke; right? Actually, some of them do. Read more

Making the Big Switch to Working From Home

After ten years of working in a busy office, I am now working from home as a freelance writer. I loved office life. I liked the random visits with co-workers who wandered by my desk and stayed to chat for a while. Read more

13 Virtues in a Regular Cycle of Self-Improvement

One of my all time favorite American heroes is Benjamin Franklin. Although not a perfect person by any means, with his historic profile showing a rather hefty man for his time, which we now call obese, Franklin was a known problem solver and a visionary beyond his time as well as a dedicated patriot. Read more

8 Best Pick Hair Styles for Parties

Fed up with the monotonous, same old hair story you’ve been carrying for the last parties? Well, maybe it’s time to perk it up a little with some simple techniques you can do to your hair. Revamp your look with a couple of little fixes on your tresses that could change your partying mood now and forever. Read more

How to Master Yourself

Thinking and seeing what the best way, to master ourselves, is we have to think and see, the “perfect us”. We know that each of us are a unique being, the actualization of ourselves can manifest us like a master, the perfect in each one of us. The people that already mastered their ego to a degree, that their minds act like their servant, giving them the power to be their own divine potential. Read more

Bathe Away Your Aches and Pains with Balneotherapy

You’ve seen it in the stores. Jars and packages of bath products proclaiming the health benefits of special Dead Sea salts, mineral salts, Epsom salts. Spas and hot springs offer mud baths, hot packs and massages along with immersion into steamy waters to magically wash away your health problems. Is balneotherapy or hydrotherapy for real or an old wives’ tale? Read more