While summer sun undoubtedly presents challenges to your skincare regime, the cold of wintertime brings its own problems. Simply turning your central heating on can leave your skin feeling dry and tight and in some cases cracking, inflammation and even eczema can occur. Read more
Conquering My Fears of Rejection
Running with Your Dog: 4 Things to Consider
Using Nicotine-Containing Products to Quit Smoking
For heavy, long-term smokers, simply stopping smoking through will-power alone is often too much to ask. People might quit for days, weeks or months even, but stopping permanently is best achieved through a more thought out approach, and the use of nicotine-containing products (such as nicotine patches, gum, or spray) can help lifelong smokers to cut down prior to stopping, or to reduce the amount they smoke gradually. Read more
The Time When the Whole World Couldn’t Breathe Happily: It’s Now
I didn’t think it would happen in my lifetime. I thought that it was something that’s far away in the future. I thought that the environmental scientists were merely exaggerating their numbers. I thought that my kids wouldn’t have to see it. But it’s upon us now. And slowly, it is creeping on our doorsteps. Read more
Learning that “I Can:” Surviving Divorce, Thriving in Life
Manual Labor and Keeping Fit
There is an inherent freedom in working on the land. The sweet scents and aroma of cut grass and herbs tingle the senses. The beauty of nature manifested through all of creation and life basks you in the sweat and satisfaction of knowing that you are among creation itself. Rather than being surrounded by concrete walls and other materials, you marvel at the pristine character of nature’s finest. Read more
Good Health and Vegetarianism
Vegetarianism is becoming more and more popular and for a number of reasons. For many consumers the amount of hormones used in pork and beef to help them grew faster is of grave concern. And the give and take of nutritional needs for different types of vegetarians is important to understand also. There are some who eliminate beef and pork completely but will eat fish and chicken and others who take meat completely out of their diet. Read more
10 Healthy Comfort Foods To Boost Your Mood!
Trying to quit can be pretty depressing and it’s tempting to reach for comfort food to try to lift your mood; then you pile weight on, feel even more miserable and reach for the fags to cheer yourself up. It’s a vicious circle. But did you know that there are foods which actually make you feel happier; without compromising your health? Read more