Most Discussed
Be More than Just their Old Man, Be a Good Father
“Meet my old man”, is a phrase I only hear in Hollywood movies. Translated word for word into Filipino, it …
Smoking – Suicide for Cowards?
Arsenic kills if you swallow it. Tobacco kills if you inhale it. Cough! Cough! Are you inhaling your last breath …
” Smoking Kills”: Another Platitude
Do smokers really take our warnings seriously given the plethora of platitudes flooding our daily language, the media, or our …
Quitting Cold Turkey
I smoked as a teen. It was more an act of rebellion than anything else, but I liked it as …
Smoking is Wasting Your Time
Most everyone knows that smokers live shorter lives, an average of 8 years shorter. But have you ever thought about …
Real Cravings of an Imaginary Smoker
Three days ago: So I was on this plane taking me from Dakar to Istanbul, an 11 hour flight, …
Pleasure: My First Time
The first time I smoked, I was a rebel, angry and stupid. Whew, it felt weird writing that first sentence, …
Reasons to Give up Smoking
Cigarette smoking is a deadly habit and should be the first thing that we should try to quit. But being …
Recent Study: Smoking Employees Cost More
With nerves frayed and a shaking yearning to get out of the constricted workspace, you wait until the clock strikes …
Smoke Free Life Step Program Step 7
Smoking is not a habit and it does not exist. The real reason you continue to smoke is to feed …