Balancing Your Chakras

What do you think when you hear the term ‘chakra’? Chakras refers to your seven primary energy centers that vertically run along the torso of your body. Basically, chakras are portals where energy and light flow in and out. Overall, their main function is to revitalize your physical body and to enable your ‘higher’ self to evolve. Read more

Applying the Laws of Attraction

In this article, we’ll discuss using a powerful law of attraction based technique in relationships called “visualization,” which is so simple it’ll feel as naturally as day dreaming. If you’re familiar with the “law of attraction,” then this technique, which is basically simple day dreaming or fantasizing will be one you’ll enjoy using in every area of your life, including your relationships. Read more

Finding the Balance in Your Relationship

I’m sure you’ve heard plenty of sayings growing up such as “what you see is what you will get”, “what goes around, comes around”, and “what you give is what you get”. There are many variations of these sayings that have been passed from family member to family member. They have been repeated so many times that most of us grow tired of hearing them and think they are cliché. Read more

How to Use Affirmations for Self Improvement

Whether you’re trying to quit smoking, improve your eating habits, or otherwise change a negative habit into a positive one, using affirmations to support your personal self-improvement plans is a great way to change your inner self-talk.  Read more