Life After Smoking!

Life After Smoking!

Every organ in your body will suffer from the effects of inhaling the poisonous toxins every cigarette holds inside. It is not easy to quit smoking, but it can be done. There are a variety of little helpers on the market which can assist in controlling the initial cravings to light up! Read more

How Dangerous Is The Smoke From Cigarettes?

Everyone knows smoking is unhealthy, but do you know just how dangerous the smoke from cigarettes really is? Breaking down the effects of smoking on the body can be frightening, and it will open your eyes in new ways. The smoke from tobacco cigarettes holds thousands of chemicals that the body simply can’t process. Read more

Quitting With E-Cigarettes

Smoking. The stigma, the smell, no one likes it. Let’s be honest, not even smokers enjoy that dirty burnt scent. Not enough Axe cologne could dent the ashy smell.

As a smoker of 4 years… Yeah I know, I hate it… But as a smoker, I have learned, that every cigarette packs an unreal amount of subconscious disappointment. Read more

Choosing Healthy: The Smokers’ Guide to a New Life

Letting go of a habit will never be easy. I started smoking when I was 17 years old, and for almost 8 years, I could not stop inhaling and exhaling the cancer sticks. Whenever I am stressed out or feel the urge to release all the challenges I’m going through, I smoke. Just sharing this story actually makes me teary eyed. It was a struggle for almost a decade. I wasn’t mindful of the people around me. Smoking for me is something I used to really need. I used to smoke a pack and a half a day. It was gruesome. It makes me sick just by imagining it now. Read more

The Ultimate Tobacco Alternative!

Did you know there are many other ways to quit smoking tobacco other way instead of nicotine patches, nicotine gum. So I’m going to tell you three ways to quit tobacco smoking here today. Instead of tobacco smoking there is an herbal blend that you can roll up and smoke that is way healthier than tobacco. People have smoked these herbs throughout history for a wide variety of reasons such as…………. Recreation, medicine, and spiritual ceremonies have all shaped the history and ritual of smoking herbs. Read more

Preventing a Relapse When Quiting Smoking

For most people who smoke, the habit of smoking is intricately interwoven in their daily life. They light up a cigarette when they are happy, bored, excited, lonely, depressed or in company. Nicotine is addictive but what makes trying to quit smoking even more difficult is the psychological dependence smokers develop on their habit of lighting up a cigarette before confronting their life. Read more

Five Ways to Quit Smoking

People who are trying to give up smoking can find it really difficult to control their cravings for tobacco. The urge can be too strong and not without reason. It is difficult to reduce and completely eliminate the dependency on cigarettes. This is why it is important to remember that no matter how strong the craving is, it is mostly short-lived and passes on quickly enough.

Here are five ways how you can control your tobacco cravings and lead a healthier life. Read more

Pregnant and Want a Healthy Baby? Better Quit Smoking

Pregnancy is a phase in a woman’s life when it is essential for her to be as healthy as possible. A pregnant woman has to be concerned and responsible for the health and well being of both herself and her unborn baby. Doctors today are increasingly stressing upon the importance of prospective mother’s good health prior to conception. One such step towards better health involves quitting smoking even before becoming pregnant. When pregnant, giving up smoking is an absolute must. Read more

Defying the Odds? Superstar Smokers from Sports

The Winter Olympics in Sochi has begun and will be watched by millions of sports fans worldwide who will marvel at the athletes’ fitness, skill and mental stamina as they strive to win gold for their countries. Each competitor has their own tailor-made training regime complete with specific dietary requirements to ensure their body remains in peak fitness. Olympic athletes obviously don’t smoke; right? Actually, some of them do. Read more