7 Tips to Keep Your Hair and Skin Healthy and Beautiful This Winter

Winter is a period of lovely snow and dry air. We all love the cool winds and the dry air; however winter creates havoc on the skin and hair. Winds, dry air and low temperature create rough skin and dry itchy hair which are difficult to maintain. You will find the answer to all your problems in your kitchen cupboard which has most of the ingredients to keep your hair and skin healthy throughout the winter. Let us see some of the tips to keep the hair and skin healthy during winter. Read more

What You Need To Know About Skincare

The skin is an important part of the body since it provides protection to all the body parts. However, one may ask the particular kind of protection that the skin provides. There are several things that the skin is able to protect the body against, one of which is injury and damage to vital parts by cushioning the entire body. On the other hand, the skin through its pores helps in the elimination of toxic wastes from the body. With just these few mentioned uses of the skin, it is true that the skin is indeed an important part of the body one cannot survive without. Read more

Softer Skin on a Budget

Want smoother skin without the expensive price tag? I am a new mom and wanted to pamper myself at home without spending too much money for not enough product. So I did my research and learned how to make my own sugar scrub at home. These work wonders on your hands, feet, legs, arms – basically your whole body! Read more