Amazingly, 18% of adults and 8% of adolescents in the United States are affected by some type of depression. It may not sound like much, but let’s put it another way: these percentages equal to over 40 million Americans! And the situation is not different in the rest of the world. Read more
How to Overcome Creative Blocks
There are different types of creative blocks, which are a cause of frustration to many. Included in the list is mental block, writer’s block, emotional barrier, among others. If you happen to be a creative professional (meaning you rely on your creativity to feed your family, pay for mortgage, and everything else), it can be dangerous. Read more
How Should I Quit Smoking?
Do you smoke? If you don’t, you are a lucky one, believe me, but if your answer is yes than you are like me. A smoker! Read more
Rediscover the Calming Ritual of Tea Drinking
Everyone at some point in the day loves to sit down with a warm cup of liquid in their hands, set aside their worries and thoughts and experience the quietude and warmth. What is it about tea drinking that this ritual is ubiquitous to human civilizations? Read more
Love Is The Art of Persistence
Indeed this is the first time in my life when I feel confused and even baffled to take the right decision and to make the right choice about what to do next as regards to my love relationship. Thus a set of questions have come to my mind which I haven’t yet answered as honestly as I should. Read more
The Building Blocks for a Strong Relationship
A relationship is like a house you need a foundation so you can build a long healthy relationship. Each person involved in the relationship has to put in work and make sacrifices sometimes. Below are the five building blocks of a relationship. These themes can not only strengthen your relationships but also make them long lasting. Read more
Fight Wrinkles with Natural Anti-Aging Skin Care Recipes
Humans can only do so much and sadly, stopping aging isn’t one of those things. However, humans can still go through treatments, medical procedures, and surgeries in order to conceal the signs of aging. Nevertheless, there are also treatments, which do not require the use of needle and lasers. Read more
10 Ways To Love Yourself
There’s an old psychologists’ cliché; ‘you have to love yourself before you can expect others to love you.’ There is a grain of truth in this; it’s much easier to be around someone who is ‘happy in their own skin’, to quote another cliché. But loving yourself isn’t always that easy and we all feel down and negative about ourselves from time to time. Read more
To Mask Or Not to Mask: What the Science Says
As states reopen after stay-at-home orders, many are requiring face coverings in public places to help decrease the spread of COVID-19. The CDC and the WHO alike are now recommending masks for the general public. However, earlier on, both organizations said that we should not wear masks – a shift in opinion that may have helped confuse a lot of people about the efficacy of face coverings. However, the science is clear. Masks can help prevent the transmission of COVID-19, and the more people that wear them, the better.
Why did the CDC change its recommendation?
Back when the CDC was saying not to wear masks, the prevalence of COVID-19 was believed to be far lower than it actually is. For a disease that isn’t very common, it may not make sense to force a whole population to wear masks. However, we now know that the apparent low number of cases in the beginning was more likely the result of inadequate testing, providing a false sense of security.
Another concern was the limited supply of masks and the need to reserve them for healthcare workers. However, even when the supply of KN95 masks was panic-inducingly low, people could have been wearing cloth masks (even homemade ones) all along and, if they had, we could possibly be in a very different situation right now.
An increasing disease prevalence and a heightened awareness of asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic transmission are the two most likely reasons for the CDC’s change of heart. We now understand that viral load peaks before symptoms ever appear and that even normal speaking is enough to expel infected droplets – not to mention the fact that some people never develop symptoms at all, yet can still transmit the virus. For this reason, you cannot tell by looking at someone that they aren’t “sick.” Therefore, everyone should wear masks to protect both themselves and others around them.
Where is the evidence that the new guidelines are correct?
You may hear people say, “There is no evidence that wearing masks reduces transmission.” Don’t believe it. There is plenty of evidence to exactly the contrary, such as this review. If you aren’t convinced, here are an experiment and a peer-reviewed study that both show clearly that masks are effective at slowing the spread of infectious diseases.
However, the strongest evidence comes from the study of real-world environments. For example, one study compared the rate of transmission in over a dozen states before and after mask mandates. It concluded clearly that mask mandates do slow the spread of the disease. Another study examined the COVID-19 death rates in 198 countries and discovered that those with mask mandates or cultural norms that favored mask-wearing had fewer deaths.
There are also compelling case reports that strongly suggest that masks can keep people from getting sick even in high-risk situations. For example, one man with a dry cough flew from China to Toronto and then tested positive for COVID-19. However, he was wearing a mask, and none of the 25 people sitting closest to him contracted the illness. In another case, two Missouri hairstylists had contact with nearly 150 clients while they were sick with COVID-19. Everyone wore masks, and every client with whom they came into contact subsequently tested negative.
Who do masks protect?
Is your mask there to protect you or the people around you? Most experts agree that the biggest benefit is for keeping people with COVID-19 from infecting other people. However, you will still receive some benefit from wearing a mask, even if you are healthy. Masks can also prevent larger droplets from evaporating into smaller droplets that can remain in the air for longer and travel farther. And keep in mind that, as mentioned, you could be an asymptomatic carrier and not know it, so don’t make the mistake of thinking that if you aren’t sick, you don’t need a mask.
Does the type of mask matter?
While there have been studies that have compared various masks and materials, the top consideration for the general public should probably be comfort. That’s because the most comfortable mask is the one you’re most likely to wear consistently. N95 respirators are necessary only in medical scenarios. In general, surgical masks may be more effective than cloth masks, and they may feel lighter and more comfortable on.
The bottom line, however, is that any mask that covers your nose and mouth will help. Remember that the goal is risk reduction – not absolute prevention. If you are concerned that a mask may not be 100% effective – but it’s all you have – wear it. It’s almost certainly better than nothing. Consider this: if you have high cholesterol and your doctor recommends medication to help prevent a heart attack, you’ll most likely take it, even though you understand that this medicine does not prevent heart attacks 100% of the time. The idea is to reduce your risk – the same as with masks.
Are masks still necessary with social distancing?
There are three steps you can take that, together, dramatically lower your odds of contracting COVID-19: wear a mask, wash your hands, and watch your distance. Of these three, wearing a mask is the most important thing that you can do. Unlike transmission through inhaled droplets, there is actually little evidence that contaminated surfaces are a major source of transmission. One final thought to keep in mind: your eyes are a potential source of transmission, and your mask doesn’t cover them. Therefore, it’s important to keep your distance from other people and to wash your hands before touching your face – even while wearing a mask.
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Dealing with High Blood Pressure Without Medication – One Step at a Time, Starting with Breakfast
I must start with a disclaimer. I am not a doctor. While I have much knowledge and experience in holistic medicine, I am not attempting to replace your physician. If you have hypertension (high blood pressure), step one is to see your doctor.
That said, you may be wondering why I am writing this. I am scribing this mainly for two reasons. First, I have personally benefited from the suggestions I shall make here and, if the article is received well enough, future articles. Shortly after I turned 50. my blood pressure skyrocketed to 210/180! I am pleased to say that without any drugs, but by simply modifying my diet and lifestyle, I am now within normal limits. Read more