Power Up Your Brain With These 10 Brain-Boosting Smart Foods

Are you getting enough nutrients to support healthy cognitive function and memory? Our brain requires nutrients just like our heart and lungs. But which foods are particularly important and right to keep us mentally healthy. Food can directly affect everything in our bodies from our mood and energy levels to our memory.  Read more

Brain Mapping

Humankind is undoubtedly referred to as the most incomprehensible yet intelligent living being on earth. The incontestable force that lies behind this fact is the human brain known for its ideal phenomenon called human consciousness which is the centre of all human thoughts and actions. Science and technology, always seeking pragmatic solutions and explanations to the human condition, grab increasing attention recently for a new phenomenon termed brain mapping. Read more

The Addicted Mind; Brain-Forest

Addiction to nicotine and other substances is as much a disease as cancer or diabetes. Addiction processes have recently been mapped using MRI scans and chemical tracing technology at several major research institutions across the U.S. Read more