5 Things I (Re)learned by Having 50 People Over for Supper

My favorite day of the year has come and gone.  Friends’ Thanksgiving.  We started this event after our roommate suggested we have folks over to celebrate the holidays with our ‘family of friends’.  It began with about 15 people getting together, putting aside the to-do lists and committing a meal together.   Read more

5 Tips for Improving Your Happiness in the Workplace

Most people spend more than fifty percent of their days within the workplace. When you’re not sleeping, most of your week seems to be dedicated to the daily grind of a nine-to-five routine, and although you may consider your commitment to work to be a necessary requirement in maintaining your lifestyle, making an active decision to improve your happiness at work could project benefits onto your entire life. Read more

5 Tips for Achieving Your New Year’s Resolutions

According to a study done by the University of Scranton nearly 45% of Americans set New Year’s Resolutions every year but only 8% actually succeed. There is no reason you can’t achieve your goals. These 5 ideas will help you get started on your new year. Read more