5 Food Myths Debunked

If you are just starting out your journey in healthy eating, then you have probably heard many myths and misconceptions about food. These are some of the most common myths you can read about in the magazines and on the Internet: Read more

An Apple a Day: The Most Surprising Benefits of Eating Apples on a Regular Basis

The phrase “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is not some old wives’ tale that should be ignored in the modern era. Instead, it is an incredibly truthful adage that science is proving more and more as we better understand the health benefits of this delicious fruit. Yes, you know that apples are healthy because they are a fruit, but there are some surprising benefits that this nutrition-packed snack has to offer. If you eat apples on a regular basis, your body will be reaping far more than just these four benefits: Read more

No More Refined Sugar and Coca Cola!

Hi, I have a story to share with you. For several years, I consumed coca cola and sugary products everyday. Let me underscore that I consumed these products every single day! Literally, I was ingesting tons of refined sugar into my body, which damaged me. I could not control myself. Read more

Healthy Eating Tips

It’s still the first month of the year, and you’re possibly still discussing with family and friends your goal to change your eating habits this year. What are you waiting for? Well, you possibly have no clue where to begin.Changing your eating habits for the better can be a little intimidating when you’re unsure of where to start. I think the key to changing eating habits is taking small baby steps and trying different strategies that can make eating healthy a breeze. Read more

Simple Tips for Weight Loss in 2014

Who doesn’t want to lose weight in 2014?  I am sure that most of us have that as our top resolution for the new year, whether it be 5 pounds or 50 pounds or more.  Of course we all want to lose fat, especially around our middle, but maintain muscle.  These are the tricks that have worked for me in the past.  I, like everyone else I know, tend to eat and drink many things I normally would not over the holiday season, and so when January hits find I need to lose a few pounds. Read more

Metabolism: Your First Step Toward Weight Loss

Knowing about metabolism and how it works will help you losing weight. Simply put, it is the rate at which your body burns calories. Low metabolism leads to weight gain, so it is smart to learn how to keep a healthy metabolism. This is the main key to weight loss and maintaining it. A low metabolism is caused by our choice of food, not getting enough  water, exercise, nutrients, and vitamins. Read more

Anyone Up for a December Detox?

December is a far from traditional time for a detox or indeed starting any type of diet, but if you can eat well and drink little during a month known for its excesses you’ll be well on the way to a healthy new year. Of course you would need the resolve of reinforced steel to avoid a few treats and the occasional tipple for the whole of the month, but why not pledge to start off December by maintaining a few good habits? Here are a few tips: Read more