4 Ways to Challenge Yourself with a Cleaning Workout


Cleaning your home is definitely not an easy task. It requires a lot of effort, not to mention free time. If you want to do a good job and make a fine work of home cleaning, you really have to be regular at it and not frown upon the idea of cleaning.

If you are a fan of healthy exercise and make regular trips to the gym, you should consider turning your cleaning into an effective workout session. This may sound ridiculous at first, but do consider all of the activities involved in cleaning and all of the benefits – you are making sure that your home doesn’t become a mess and that you feel good there. Now, you also have the advantage of using home cleaning as a way to exercise and possibly even skip one going to the gym to train. Here is how you can make the most of this otherwise annoying chore:

  • Play some fast music as you clean: There is a reason why music is always playing in the background in every gym. It is because it can make you feel more energetic and take home cleaning more easily. The dynamic rhythm of music can really make you feel like you want to move and perform even more efficient cleaning. Fast-paced music and physical exercise go hand in hand. That is why you should certainly select the right kind of music and get started on cleaning. Apart from the way it will make you feel, music can make it feel like time passes faster, which is definitely something you will love. Additionally music can make you feel less tired, even when you work harder.
  • Increase the pace of work: If you want to be effective at your cleaning workout, you cannot just work as though you have all the time in the world. Calories are burned faster when you work faster. Remember that when you bring out the vacuum cleaner for some carpet cleaning action. Leisurely strolling around is not going to make your cleaning any better than a walk in the park. Try to finish any home cleaning task quicker than you normally would. Try to be as effective in cleaning as you normally would, because the goal is to clean your home after all.
  • Include a timer : In line with the previous tip, you can also consider adding a time to your cleaning routine. Try to beat it as you work on home cleaning chores. Be realistic and set time you can actually work against – don’t set it too low, or you will never feel motivated but also never give yourself too much time, as there is no challenge in this.
  • Use weights in your cleaning: Ankle and wrist weights make great addition to any cleaning routine, but only if you are skilled enough. Do consider the fact that such features make your work much more difficult. You are going to need to take regular breaks.

If you like the idea of turning your cleaning into a workout, implementing these ideas to your routine is definitely the way to go. In no time at all, you will be exercising and providing your home with the clean environment it needs at the same time.

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