5 Tips for Achieving Your New Year’s Resolutions


According to a study done by the University of Scranton nearly 45% of Americans set New Year’s Resolutions every year but only 8% actually succeed. There is no reason you can’t achieve your goals. These 5 ideas will help you get started on your new year.

Choose Only 2 or 3 Main Goals to Focus On

When you’re feeling optimistic about the new year it’s easy to think of 5 or 6 different things you’d like to make your Resolutions. The problem is it can be really hard to keep track of so many goals once the months go by. Do yourself a favor and stick with only 2 or 3 main goals that are most important to you. Once you’re able to complete them to your satisfaction you can move onto other goals

Your Goals Should Only Be Things You Truly Want to Achieve

Maybe you’re really unorganized or perhaps you should start a savings account. While those types of things are very important, you simply won’t achieve them if you don’t truly care. Your goals should be subjects that you are truly passionate about.

Reward Yourself When You Achieve a Goal, Even a Small One

To keep your spirits up make sure you recognize your accomplishments and reward yourself. Setting mini-goals are a great way to achieve your goals. They aren’t any less important than larger goals.

Set Your Goals Together with Friends and Family

A fun thing to do on New Years is to create a Resolution Community with friends and family. Set your goals together so you can help one another. Also, by making your goals public you will be held accountable. Some friendly prodding and having to give updates on your progress are great way to be sure you stay on track.

Keep a Journal to Document Your Feelings, Hardships and Achievements

A journal can be such a powerful tool when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions. Being reminded of your progress and having a go-to source of all your goals is important. Document as much as you can and any progress you make. If your goal was to save more money, keep financial documents that show how much you’ve saved. If your goal was fitness related keep photos and a chart of weight loss.

New Year’s Resolutions are a wonderful idea and can really work when you have a plan.


*Image courtesy Flickr creative commons.

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