Why Everyone Should Get a Good Night’s Sleep

There’s a good chance that if you ask your co-worker how he or she is feeling when first arriving at work, you’ll probably hear something like, “I’m so tired.” It’s a common response to a common issue– sleep deprivation. Read more

4 Ways to Be Happier Being Less Perfect

We all know this, yet most of us somehow continue to forget it. No human is perfect. We make mistakes and should be able to move on. However, some of us seem to really struggle with moving beyond our mistakes or imperfections. Basically, this makes us miserable, and at times like these we could surely use a dose of happiness injected into our lives. Read more

An Introvert’s Guide to Going Out

What could be better than dancing all night surrounded by strangers whilst being disoriented by flashing lights and loud music?  Literally anything. Going out is the worst.  Is there any way of coping with the inevitable night out with friends if you’re an introvert? Turn it down? Not this time, you crafty beast. Unfortunately, you’ve been dragged into the night’s events. Luckily, I’m providing you with a step-by-step guide on how to survive the events of a night out. Read more

5 Ways to Breathe Happy with an Off-Season Vacation

Travelling abroad can be so fulfilling and stressful at the same time. Aside from bad service and flight delays, things we usually complain about when travelling are crowds, long lines in touristy places, and/or rude people. How can you help save yourself from some of these commonly negative travel experiences? By doing an off-season trip! Here are five reasons why you’re bound to have a better time. Read more

My Post-Addiction Left Turn

It all started with shots of liquor… many many shots of liquor. It was like one of the drunken scenes from the Sandra Bullock movie, 28 Days. It ended just as bad as her character’s last escapade too. Read more

3 Ways to Support Your Loved One Dealing with Substance Abuse

Regardless of race, class, and or generation, addiction is part of the modern human condition. According to statistics published in Canada in September 2013, about six million of that country’s populace meet the criteria for a substance use disorder. Knowing someone or having a loved one who is affected by substance use can not only be hard on the substance user, but family and friends as well.  Read more