The Science of Kindness: Why We Should Spread the Holiday Spirit Year-Round

Tis the season, as the holiday saying goes.

This phrase means so many different things to so many different people; to some it is the season to be more grateful, to some it is the season to be more religious, to some it is the season to feast or buy lots of presents. (more…)

How to Clear Your Chakras for Improved Wellbeing

Most people will probably have heard of the term Chakras. It refers to energy centres, like spinning discs, in the human body,  seven in total, running in a straight line from the top of the head to the tail-bone.  Everything in the universe is vibration, and everything flows through a harmonic pattern, including the energies in our bodies. (more…)

7 Tips to Improve Your Morning (And Your Day)

With the days approaching their shortest, it’s increasingly likely that you’re getting up an hour or more before the sun rises.  While early mornings can be difficult even during the warmer months, now, with falling temperatures and the absence of stimulating sunlight, waking up can be downright brutal.  (more…)

Are You Feeling S.A.D.? Light Therapy Might be for You

I am literally sitting in front of my computer with a therapeutic light box on my desk, shining at me as I write. It’s bright, but not annoyingly so… as long as I don’t look at it directly. (more…)

How Hard is it to Recycle? A How to for Newbies

So, you’ve thought about recycling for some time but you are afraid it will be too difficult, so you put it off. Now is the time to stop putting it off and begin your recycling program at home. How can you start? Easy, simply pay attention to what you buy and know what can and cannot be recycled. How can you do this? Read on. (more…)

Sleep and the City: How White Noise Benefits Urban Sleepers

My little family lives in a noisy complex. Near a freeway. In the city.

Night after night, it’s not unusual to find bed-time accompanied by sirens, car horns, the sounds of drunk debauchery slowly making its way home and echoing televisions. Needless to say, getting to sleep and staying asleep is often a problem. (more…)

5 Natural Ways to Deal with Postpartum Depression

I had a rough pregnancy, and a painful, two day labor that eventually led to me pushing for fifteen minutes and giving life to one of the most handsome faces this world has to offer. As my son was laid on my chest, I felt exhausted and shocked, not in love and happy like you'll hear about when every other women on this planet gives their account of child birth. I loved and cared about my son, but I felt more numb and tired then anything. (more…)

How Weird Dreams May Actually Help Us

There are times in life when we experience the ever dreaded state of stress overload. Western society is fast-paced with rarely any time to “stop and smell the roses.” All of us have responsibilities such as jobs, money, relationships, children, health… and we are trying to balance all of those things while going at what seems like a thousand miles per hour. (more…)

Coloring: No Longer Just for Kids! How it Can Help Adults Reduce Stress

Have you ever watched a child as they delve into their favorite coloring books? Have you seen their perplexing concentration, enjoyment and noticed the complete atmosphere of serenity that surrounds them? Does this aura make you as an adult a little bit, well, jealous? Or perhaps you are embarrassed because you also secretly enjoy this nostalgic past time? (more…)

10 Ways to Combat Stress and Anxiety You Haven’t Heard Of

Deadlines, traffic jams, bills—Just the mention of these common stressors can be enough to send anyone spiraling into a panic. While the stress of everyday life is usually manageable for most, some (workaholics, in particular) find themselves constantly dealing with the thought-racing, heart-pounding anxiety that can lead to medical issues like headaches, heart disease, obesity and even death. (more…)