5 Amazing Homemade Face Remedies to Make Your Skin Glow

Heading to a beauty parlor for your facial makeover is common. Most people want beautiful skin. Thankfully we do not need to go to the salon so often. Below are some common homemade face cleansing recipes. These tips can help getting you glowing skin without. This method involves using natural herbs, yogurt, fresh fruits, and other common food ingredients, most found in your kitchen. (more…)
Signs of Vision Problems in Young Kids

It seems that everyone has a vision of what eye problems in kids look like – usually, they narrow everything down to subbing their eyes, squinting or sitting too close to the TV set. And usually, these are some of the symptoms of vision problems in kids but they are not all. Sometimes, symptoms aren't even symptomatic and unless your child comes to you and says they can’t see well, there’s nothing much you can do. (more…)
5 Reasons Why Stevia Is Healthier Than Any Other Sweetener

Stevia is an herb which has been used as a sweetener for centuries, but is only recently gaining popularity as a sugar substitute in the US. Stevia was first introduced in the United States in the mid-1990s as an herbal supplement. It was later approved by the FDA, after much controversy. (more…)
10 Random Acts of Kindness

Being kind is a win-win situation. It makes you feel great, and it gives the person on the receiving end a buzz too. Here are 10 straightforward things you can do to improve someone’s day – today. (more…)
Repair Your Body to Remove the Appearance of Cellulite

Many women have cellulite on their bodies, and not one of those women love that cellulite. It can cause them to be self conscious during bikini season. They'll buy pants that don't hug as closely in their bottoms and the backs of their thighs. This is where cellulite most often appears. There are ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite, though it might not disappear completely. (more…)
Get Over Your Disappointment and Breathe Happy!

Sometimes an unexpected event can hit you like a ton of bricks and can literally blindside you. It can be loss of a job, poor grades in school or college, a broken friendship, a relationship turned sour or even a rejection from a place from where you had high hopes. Maybe you did not get a raise or promotion you were hoping for or your much awaited travel plans got canceled. Disappointments can come in life in many shapes and guises and can hurt a lot. (more…)
Surprising Health Benefits of Beer

There are only two kinds of people in this world: the wine and the beer drinkers. Of course, there are those that drink both, but eve they have their preference and their favorite drink at the end of a day. Besides a little bit snobbish attitude toward wine that wine drinkers have, they usually point out that the wine is great for you, while the beer only makes that awful belly grow. However, they will have nothing on you when you read all the facts why beer also has many health benefits and why it is actually recommended for consumption. Here are the benefits from your head to toes. (more…)
Some Nasty Habits That Need To Go

Are you looking to get more from life? Are you wondering why you are still stuck in a rut in spite of having made major decisions in improving your lifestyle and well-being? Let's look at some of the little, niggling habits in your life that might be hindering your goal towards good health to banish them for life. (more…)
9 Great Foods to Freeze for Later

One of the seemingly daunting tasks folks who want to eat healthier tend to face is freezing. For the modern family today, freeze-able foods make life easier. However, it is possible to still eat healthy even when you have little time to put into cooking. That said, here are 13 healthy foods you can pop in your freezer and later thaw for an easy, quick addition to your meals: (more…)
10 Things No One Ever Tells You About Fine Lines

Having that fine line you never wanted might not be as hard as you think; however, there are many things you will have to look out for in order to keep the lines from overflowing your body. Here are 10 things you should watch out for. (more…)