Is watching the news bad for you?

I have always enjoyed following current affairs. Whether it’s reading the paper, watching the news on TV or keeping up to speed with events via the radio, I have always kept up to date with what’s going on the world and considered myself to be pretty well-informed. (more…)
How to Make the Transition to Organic Food

Organic food provides more than just health benefits because the taste of organically grown food usually surpasses that of commercially grown food as well. Unlike commercial producers, organic growers do not force their produce to ripen early, and fruits and vegetables allowed to mature naturally typically have a flavor superior to that of conventionally grown products forced to ripen prematurely. (more…)
Achieving Personal Development with a Winning Attitude

A common question people ask themselves is why is it necessary to improve myself? Most of the time, people will invest quite a bit into their own personal growth. This is really due to the fact that it can be beneficial for anyone. (more…)
Laying the Groundwork for Your Relationship

One of the most significant things you can do in any relationship is to be straightforward and honest. You want to gain the trust of your significant other. The first step in a successful relationship is laying the right foundation. (more…)
Does Your Hair Need a Visit to the Grocery Store?

How does your hair feel after you dye it? I am pretty sure it doesn’t feel entirely good. When we dye our hair, lots of chemicals come in contact with it and there is when the change occurs. If you are in love as I do with Fantasy colors (purple, green, pink) then you dye your hair white often enough to damage it. But don’t worry, I found awesome treatments with 100% natural products that you can buy at the grocery store. (more…)
Finding the Balance in Your Relationship

I'm sure you've heard plenty of sayings growing up such as “what you see is what you will get”, “what goes around, comes around”, and “what you give is what you get”. There are many variations of these sayings that have been passed from family member to family member. They have been repeated so many times that most of us grow tired of hearing them and think they are cliché. (more…)
Learning Proper Snacking Techniques

Food is where nutrition begins. The food you eat follows a procedure that has been prescribed in the human body to provide nourishment. Food is broken down in the tissues of the body and energy. Many of the food and nutrition articles that you read today reveals that the actual science of nutrition is concerned with everything the body does when it comes to carrying out all of the functions in an efficient manner. (more…)
Quitting With E-Cigarettes

Smoking. The stigma, the smell, no one likes it. Let's be honest, not even smokers enjoy that dirty burnt scent. Not enough Axe cologne could dent the ashy smell.
As a smoker of 4 years... Yeah I know, I hate it... But as a smoker, I have learned, that every cigarette packs an unreal amount of subconscious disappointment. (more…)
Running Today Let´s Eat First.

When I talk about going on a run, food always comes to mind, not because I am longing something to eat, but because I always ask myself if I should eat before running and if so, what kind of food? (more…)
Five Ways to Fit in Exercise When You Work From Home

Working from home is great - you can work when you want, wherever you want, even work in your pajamas! The downside, though, is that many work-from-home jobs involve lots of sitting down and between working and running a household, it can be easy to let other things like exercise slide. (more…)