How to Master Yourself

Thinking and seeing what the best way, to master ourselves, is we have to think and see, the “perfect us”. We know that each of us are a unique being, the actualization of ourselves can manifest us like a master, the perfect in each one of us. The people that already mastered their ego to a degree, that their minds act like their servant, giving them the power to be their own divine potential. (more…)
Bathe Away Your Aches and Pains with Balneotherapy

You've seen it in the stores. Jars and packages of bath products proclaiming the health benefits of special Dead Sea salts, mineral salts, Epsom salts. Spas and hot springs offer mud baths, hot packs and massages along with immersion into steamy waters to magically wash away your health problems. Is balneotherapy or hydrotherapy for real or an old wives' tale? (more…)
Overcoming Phobias

One way in which many people could greatly improve their lives and develop themselves is in overcoming phobias. These conditions are quite common amongst humans and there are many different types. What exactly is a phobia? (more…)
Don’t Let Them Bite: Preventing Bed Bug Infestations

The past decade has seen a rise in bed bug infestations throughout America and the rest of the Western world. Although these tiny insects pose no fatal problems, you still have to worry about the possibilities of losing sleep, waking up to numerous itchy bites, and experiencing stress because of these household pests. (more…)
Getting Clean the Healthy & Safe Way: The Myth (and Risk) of Antibacterial Products

We think we are doing the right thing - protecting our children, ourselves, and others from germs - when we wash with antibacterial soap or use antibacterial products. However, research is showing that the benefits might not be what they seem, and that the risks to human health and the environment outweigh the benefits. (more…)
How to Preserve the Vitamins and Minerals in Your Food

The method in which we store, prepare and cook our foods may affect the level of vitamins and minerals available.
Many vitamins are susceptible to damage through heat, air, moisture and light. Minerals are generally more stable, but can also be diminished through cooking processes.
So, what can we do to make the most of the nutrition in our food? (more…)
Smoking in Cars Carrying Children: Should it be Illegal?

In the UK this week an amendment to the Children and Families Bill was tabled which, if passed, would ban smoking in cars carrying children. The amendment received an overwhelming majority vote in the House of Lords and must now be considered and voted on by MPs in the House of Commons who will be doing so via a free vote to avoid cross-party influence. The amendment is supported by organisations including; Asthma UK, Child Health, the British Heart Foundation and the Royal College of Paediatrics. (more…)
Attack and Beat Chronic Low Back Pain! 10 Do’s and Don’ts

Before we launch into the list, it’s worth mentioning that Repetitive Low Back Strain does not have to be a part of anyone’s life, unless medically proven to be irreversible. This is the tone of this whole article. (more…)
Inpatient Addiction Treatment: A Journey

111 days ago I said the most important words an addict can say; “I need help”. What followed was the most rewarding 93 days of my life. I began giving birth to the person I was meant to be and like any birth, the experience was beautiful and painful. (more…)