Tired? You Might Actually Be Dehydrated

Many of us suffer from low energy levels or fatigue, brain fog, lethargy, dry skin, and/or muscle cramps on a regular basis.  If you are one of these people, and research shows that the number seems to be increasing, you may simply be dehydrated.  It sounds too simple, but even mild dehydration can often be the culprit behind many or all of these common conditions.  Even high blood pressure can be caused by dehydration. (more…)

How to Understand Your Partner Better

Understanding your partner in a relationship is the key to being best friends. (more…)

Can E-Cigarettes Really Help You Quit Smoking?

Most smokers understand the hazards of smoking and also want to quit but find themselves trapped in the habit. Habits are easier to form and harder to break. When it comes to something as addictive as a cigarette, this becomes even harder. Thankfully, there are options that will help you kick the habit smoothly and strongly. Of course, you need a strong emotional desire to overcome the urge to smoke every time. Apart from that, there are some tools you can use that will make the transition easier. (more…)

Choosing Organic Moisturizers: Made Easy!

Browsing through the beauty section of your nearby departmental store in hopes of finding the ‘right’ product for your skin type is no easy task. With the huge number of products available, all of them with clever marketing strategies, choosing the right one can be difficult, and often, you may end up with some horrible product that may cause an allergic reaction on your skin. (more…)

7 Myths About Your Monthly Cycle

Monthly cycle

Not only young girls are curious about their cycles. Myths about such things as not being unable to perm your hair, feeling fat, craving chocolate, not being able to swim, not being able to participate in gym class and not feeling like being intimate that have been going around female circles for years. Let's learn the truth about some of  these myths. (more…)

Melanotan: A Dangerous Golden Glow?

As the rain pours down on yet another dismal winter day here in the UK, we dream of summer holidays and the warm, healthy glow that a suntan gives us. However, many ‘tanorexics’ can’t face the thought of looking pale and interesting and instead insist on a year-round tan. The health risks of sunbeds are now well-documented, but what about the latest self-tanning craze; Melanotan? (more…)

Healthy Eating Tips

It’s still the first month of the year, and you're possibly still discussing with family and friends your goal to change your eating habits this year. What are you waiting for? Well, you possibly have no clue where to begin.Changing your eating habits for the better can be a little intimidating when you’re unsure of where to start. I think the key to changing eating habits is taking small baby steps and trying different strategies that can make eating healthy a breeze. (more…)

Mindfulness; The Pause for a Cause

Our reactions to most situations can benefit by pausing ourselves and being present in the here and now. We are all faced by events we find distressing every day, both small and large; burnt toast, account overdrafts, misbehaving children, loss of employment, failing grades, and sometimes even the loss of a loved one. Depending on our individual reactions to these events, we can escalate them into episodes of profound depression, panic attacks, substance abuse, mania, hyper-aggression, or one of many other mood and behavioral conditions. (more…)

Journal Your Way to Health and Happiness

What if the key that could unlock weight loss, improved health and happier moods was within your grasp all the time? What if that key looked like...a pencil? (more…)

6 Common Sleeping Disorders

We all go through distressing situations. The only time our minds and bodies get to rest and repair themselves completely, is when we are sleeping. But when this rest phase is disrupted, changes in our body and even our daily lives, occur. (more…)