Winter Hair Care – Naturally!

Winter weather can be just as harsh for your hair as a hot, dry summer. The winter air combined with central heating indoors can also be dry and this leaves your hair vulnerable to frizz, tangling and breakage. The reason for this is the reduction in the amount of sebum produced by your body at this time of the year. Sebum is oil secreted from the scalp. This natural substance helps to moisturize your scalp and hair preventing excessive drying and flaking. (more…)
5 Steps to Family Preparedness Before a Distaster Strikes

Hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods happen and are on the increase. In the U.S. alone there were 1,000 tornadoes reported in the first half of 2013. This is what climatologists have been predicting. With more people moving to hazardous areas there is a greater chance that they will be involved in a natural disaster. Taking some preparation time now can mean the difference between a family challenge and a disaster. Here are some tips: (more…)
Discipline, Parenthood, and Martial Arts

We homeschool our children, and have recently enrolled them in the School of Tomorrow program here in the Philippines. But apart from that program my wife and I endeavor to teach them something that we may need to relearn ourselves: discipline. Right off the bat, I can say that my self-discipline is not so good. (more…)
Breaking Down My Walls: Surviving an Eating Disorder

You wouldn’t know it by looking at me, but I had an eating disorder or as some call it "ED." (more…)
What You Should Know About the Effects of Caffeine

Mmm. That fresh smell of caffeine first thing in the morning. In this fast paced world we live in today caffeine has nearly become a necessity with the alertness and energy it provides. Coffee houses are popping up all over now days with the coffee latte and flavored coffees becoming so popular. (more…)
The Addicted Mind; Brain-Forest

Addiction to nicotine and other substances is as much a disease as cancer or diabetes. Addiction processes have recently been mapped using MRI scans and chemical tracing technology at several major research institutions across the U.S. (more…)
10 Tips For Glowing Winter Skin

While summer sun undoubtedly presents challenges to your skincare regime, the cold of wintertime brings its own problems. Simply turning your central heating on can leave your skin feeling dry and tight and in some cases cracking, inflammation and even eczema can occur. (more…)
Conquering My Fears of Rejection

My heart was beating in my stomach as I sat on the couch at the bike shop. I looked over at Travis while he was working; I had to make the decision and I had to do it now. (more…)
Running with Your Dog: 4 Things to Consider

Running with your dog is a brilliant way of exercising for both of you, but there are a few things you should consider before you start. (more…)
Using Nicotine-Containing Products to Quit Smoking

For heavy, long-term smokers, simply stopping smoking through will-power alone is often too much to ask. People might quit for days, weeks or months even, but stopping permanently is best achieved through a more thought out approach, and the use of nicotine-containing products (such as nicotine patches, gum, or spray) can help lifelong smokers to cut down prior to stopping, or to reduce the amount they smoke gradually. (more…)