Breathing Happy Author

6 Tips for Staying Healthy & Happy This Winter

Winter is a lovely season but can throw us through a loop in terms of mental and physical health. Dreary days can be downright depressing, the cold tempts us to stay indoors and illness runs rampant. If you wish to truly enjoy this beautiful season, keep these tips in mind! Read more

6 Natural Remedies To Help Ease Smoker’s Cough

A smoker’s cough is a persistent, annoying affliction suffered by long-term smokers. Even while you’re in the process of quitting, you’ll still be bothered by that cough which is particularly irritating first thing in the morning. Read more

Superfoods: 5 to Try Over Christmas and New Year

Let’s face it, Christmas is (for many) of us a time to eat lots of food that aren’t particularly good for us. Combined with a higher than usual alcohol intake and the temptation to stay indoors and avoid any form of exercise, it’s a time when we should at least be trying to squeeze in some foods that are guaranteed to be good for us. There’s been a lot of talk about so-called super foods in recent years, with producers of a range of foods claiming near-miraculous health benefits from their products. Read more

Lonely This Christmas? 9 Helpful Tips

Christmas is almost upon us again. The shops are crammed with sparkling decorations and excited shoppers. Christmas trees are beginning to appear in folk’s windows, the first Christmas songs are being played on the radio, and even the weather is turning cold and frosty as if in anticipation of the big day. Christmas can be a time of great joy and laughter, of celebration with family and close friends, of parties and dinners and cosy firesides just for two; but it can also be the loneliest time of the year for many. Read more

8 Ways to Survive Your Family Christmas

For many families Christmas is the only time of the year when everyone gets together under one roof to ‘celebrate’. Unfortunately, there’s often a very good reason for this gathering remaining just an annual ritual; sibling rivalries, past grudges and personality clashes abound. There’s more than a grain of truth in the old adage; “You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family”! Read more

The DIY Makeover: 7 Easy Ways to Make a Change

Sometimes we just get into a rut. Our kids are older, we’ve been married awhile, we don’t go out as much as we used to and we are just comfortable home bodies. There are many things a woman can do to make herself look and feel younger. Read more

30 Something Ways to Reduce Stress

Enjoy Life and Breathe Happy

36 WAYS TO REDUCE STRESS Some angel said, ‘Never borrow from the future. Otherwise, if you worry about what may happen tomorrow and it doesn’t happen, you have worried in vain. Even if it does happen, you have to worry twice.” Read more

Guide to Healthy School Snacks

Your kids spend a lot of time in school and during that time, they get a little bit hungry. Therefore, you need to figure out the best and the healthiest way to supply them with some healthy and good snacks that they will love and that will be good for them at the same time. This is not an easy task but it is a very important one as it is the start of making healthy eating habits for your child. Read more

Do Nicotine Substitutes Help or Hinder a New Non Smoker?

There are very few smokers that don’t want to give up the habit. Addiction, however, along side a potential worry of weight gain and a psychological attachment, often stop them from taking the leap. Addiction is obviously due to the drug, nicotine, that is found in the tobacco. So, is replacing this with another drug of the same strength counterproductive to individuals giving up traditional cigarettes? Read more

Gripping Your Emotions and Mastering Them!

As a woman, sometimes I can find it hard to control what I am feeling. This of course mostly contends with negative emotions, with feelings of worthlessness or feelings of hopelessness. Often times when a woman cries but does not know why they have a hard time controlling these emotions. Read more