Breathing Happy Member

Clear Your Mind With Meditation

In our busy day-to-day lives it is easy to forget how important it is to stop and enjoy the moment.  Many of us are conditioned to overwork which leads to stress, a bounty of health issues and sometimes even death!  Although it can be a difficult concept to embrace, the action of staying idle and doing nothing may solve a plethora of life’s problems.   Read more

Turn Your Life on 360 Degrees With These Healthy Tips

When your busy schedule starts pressuring you into compromising your diet and turning it into a wild, high-calorie feast, things have gotten out of control. Meals built upon fat-stuffed snacks and vanilla-flavoured coffee are not a healthy choice no matter if you are acouch potato or an avid athlete. Read more

Believe in Yourself, Conquer All and Stay Happy.

Making the right circuits

Your brain is like a circuit switch. You believe in something you actually embody these thoughts into your reality. Make yourself stronger. Be motivated. Breathe easier and stay happy. Stay connected to people you know that will never let you down and will always be there for you no matter what you going through and what decisions you make. Read more

Embracing Happiness

There is no magic formula for happiness but there are a number of habits that many happy people share. These are not things that you can buy but they are simple life changes that anyone can start practicing in their daily life that have a big impact. Read more

The Five Love Languages

Some years back I read Gary Chapman’s “The Five Love Languages”. I was young and it was an interesting read but I hadn’t met someone with who I could practice. Years later, I find myself reverting to this book to help me understand the language of my partner and in my other relationships with family and friends and I use it to help guide me when I feel lost in understanding people. Read more

My Phone is More Important than You!

You and your best friend don’t spend much time together since life started changing—college, marriage, and more. It’s a beautiful day and you’re both sitting at your favorite restaurant. The food is served and you’re ready to dig in. Steak, yummy! You make a joke about something and your friend laughs at the exact moment. At first you think she’s laughing at what you said but you realized the timing was too soon. Read more

Thinking Thin

While there is something to be said about weight loss diets, many of them aren’t what they’re cracked up to be, and some can be downright dangerous. For one thing, it’s all too easy to abandon a weight loss diet that doesn’t seem to be working. The most effective diets tend to work slowly but steadily. If you want to lose 10 pounds in a week by going on a strict diet, it’s possible to do so, but the chances are the weight won’t stay off very long. Read more

6 Benefits to Cleansing


Cleansing and detox programs are household norms nowadays.  There are several different cleanses available, many targeting different parts of your body.  They can be purchased in kits from health food stores or made from fresh fruits and vegetables.  Before embarking on a cleanse, think about what you want to get out of it and choose the detox program which is best for your needs.  My personal favourite is the “Master Cleanse” which is a lemon / maple / cayenne juice diet which lasts 10 days.  It takes care of everything and you feel great when you are done!   Read more

Coffee: Not Just for Drinking

Coffee; nectar of the gods, the drink that enables life, the magical elixir. Coffee is the wonderful liquid that makes the world turn and allows us to conquer the most hectic days with pep in our step and a smile on our face. It has been said that it can improve cognitive functions, decrease heart risk, improve workouts and help with weight loss but coffee has a lot of amazing uses that you may not know about. Read more

The Heart Healthy Diet

It’s not much of a problem to find lists or discussions about the 10 best foods for your heart, the 15 best, the 25 best, and so on. The message is simply this: there are so many different foods that are good for your heart that you should have no trouble putting together a healthy diet plan that features meals that are both delicious and satisfying. Read more