How To Get Back Up When You Stumble

We have all been there… you were doing so well, but then you fell off the bandwagon. Whether it was lighting up a cigarette after not having one for several weeks, or picking up a drink that you swore off months ago, it can be a hard blow when one stumbles on the road to quitting an addiction. Read more

Embracing Happiness

There is no magic formula for happiness but there are a number of habits that many happy people share. These are not things that you can buy but they are simple life changes that anyone can start practicing in their daily life that have a big impact. Read more

Kick Your Bad Habits

The other day, my peaceful moment of reading in a nearby park was greatly disturbed when one of the two passersby made a loud snorting noise and subsequently spitting out into the drain. “How Rude!” I thought to myself. The culprit was nonchalant and so was his friend. So, a thought popped up in my mind; “Why are they acting so normal for doing something as ill-mannered as snorting and spitting in public place? Read more

Time For Change Never Stop Working!

Have you ever been ready to give up on something, because it is no longer enjoyable? Working for a salary, which doesn’t cover the bills, an edgy relationship of non-stop fighting or arguing, or having children that zap almost every bit of energy out of you. Despite all those things, I believe you should not stop working at it, just change what you are doing. Read more

How To React To Crisis Situations

When things go wrong in life, it’s easy to feel despair and become despondent. The truth is, a turn of events can come along and just knock us so hard we feel like giving up. Read more