6 Tips To Beat Stress

Unfortunately, in a busy world stress is normal. Sometimes it can give us that extra boost we need to close that vital deal, meet a deadline or go the extra mile. In small doses, stress is actually good for you. Too much stress, on the other hand, can exacerbate conditions like diabetes, depression, obesity, heart disease and asthma. Read more

Losing to Ourselves: The Truth About the Path We Call Life

Sometimes, on our path to destiny, our soul loses its foundation; it dwells in the darkness of its own hate and deceit. You lose sight of everything around you, what you want, what you need, who you are, and where you want to be. You’re blinded by the devil himself and you can’t see the light, no matter which way you look. Read more

Therapeutic Advantages of Journaling

Coping with anxiety, depression, bereavement, post-traumatic stress, and other difficult situations or mental health disorders are difficult to say the least. They can shake you right down to the core of your being and leave you feeling like an empty shell. Read more

5 Herbs for Stress

With hectic daily schedules, joggling between family responsibilities and work related tasks, we all live nowadays under the empire of stress. Our body may well endure it for brief period of time, but prolonged stressful circumstances can impact not only our morale, but also our physical health. Read more