Unfortunately, in a busy world stress is normal. Sometimes it can give us that extra boost we need to close that vital deal, meet a deadline or go the extra mile. In small doses, stress is actually good for you. Too much stress, on the other hand, can exacerbate conditions like diabetes, depression, obesity, heart disease and asthma. Read more
Knowing the Love You Really Deserve
In finding the love that you want, it is important to develop the ability to receive not only love, but also support and help from other people. You need to realize that giving love to other people is necessary, yet accepting love from others is also as crucial. Read more
Beating Jet Lag with Essential Oils
When you travel through different time zones, your internal body clock can become out of sync, causing jet lag. It’s been proven that using a combination of natural essential oils in the bath or shower twice a day will assist you in adapting to a new time zone. Essential oils come in very small bottles that can be carried in your purse or briefcase. Read more
5 Natural Ways to Reduce Jet Lag
Travel can be exciting, exhilarating and eye opening. But often with international travel comes jet lag and you don’t want that sneaking in on your trip. With my own travel plans looming on the horizon I’ve been searching for ways to reduce the effects of international exhaustion while keeping health conscious and without succumbing to harmful endeavours. So here are five ways to help save yourself from the exhaustion of jet lag. Read more
Unhealthy Dating Patterns You Need to Avoid Now
If you are a single woman who has been through a series of unfortunate dating disasters, then you are most likely wedged in a circle of toxic dating patterns. Getting a chance at a real relationship requires that you break out of these unhealthy dating patterns. You may not notice it immediately, but you may be dating the same exact guy for years, only he comes with a different face each time. Read more
Can You Believe She’s Getting MARRIED?
“Can you believe it?”
“She’s so not ready.”
“But, she’s got so much life to live!”
“She’s like… barely old enough to drink.”
“Oh honey, I wish I would have waited.”
“There’s no rush, dear.” Read more
Staying Cool While You Stay in Shape
With summer temperatures heating up, many people are happy to be able to shed their winter clothes – and their winter weight – and get outside for some exercise. It’s certainly true that exercising outdoors is more fun in the warmer months, and that all that extra exercise is great for your body and your mind. However, there’s one thing to be careful about when you’re working up a sweat: the heat itself. When you work out in scorching heat, your body temperature can rise significantly, even if you’re in the shade. Never fear – you can enjoy the fresh air and sunshine and still stay safe with these tips for summertime workouts. Read more
How to Stay Faithful to Your Wife
She looks at you and you quickly turn away. You catch a glimpse and your heart skips a beat. You feel something that you’ve only felt a lifetime ago. The excitement makes you feel cold yet with a warm but fuzzy feeling inside. When your fingers touch, you feel something that’s electric. Read more
Second Hand Smoke Makes Smokers of Us All
Most of the people in the world are smokers whether they know or not. Even people who haven’t smoked in their life may have undergone passive smoking. Passive smoking (also known as second-hand smoking) refers to the process of inhalation of tobacco smoke due to burning of tobacco products by others. Read more
Maintaining a Regular Sleeping Schedule Can Lead to Weight Loss
Most people sleep better – and feel better – when they maintain a steady sleeping schedule. When you go to bed at the same time every night, and rise each morning at the same time, you tend to program your body’s sleeping rhythms and sleep more soundly. However, researchers at Brigham Young University have found that women with a sleeping routine tend to maintain a healthy body weight. Read more